Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hardware and Software Selection Paper Essay

Technology plays a very important role in businesses because it helps make things so much easier as far as recording the information, create financial statements, and account management. Thus, computer hardware is what the companies use for data storage, and software packages are the tools businesses use to help the business run faster and easier. There are different types of hardware and software that the companies have to choose wisely to fit and benefit their businesses. It is important to have the hardware that help the company store, organize, manipulate, and update the amount of business information with the assistance of database management programs because the company would use the programs to keep track with its customers, employees, suppliers, and inventory. Also, the most important is that the programs allow the accountants and accounting clerks keep track and maintain with the company’s financial reports, and the programs allow them to manage the payrolls as well a s the account receivable and account payable to avoid error financial reports and tax returns. Riordan AIS Integration and End-User Information Access Technology plays a very important role in all types of businesses because it helps the organizations get things done must fast, easy, and secure. It also allows the organizations to maintenance their businesses as well as keep track with the clients or consumers. Thus, many organizations use hardware to record the company’s information, they also use the computer software as a method to protect their computers against hackers attack and other Internet treats. However, there are certain people in different level allow  having access to the information, and the people who need access to the information would be the accountants (general and supervisors), accounting clerks, director of accounting and finance, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO. The accounting clerks needs to access to the information to edit or enter payments, billings, and adjustment of credit or debit for the business, and they also need to access to the General Ledger and Month end reports to ensure all the inf ormation is corrected to avoid future problems. Also, the general accountant and accounting supervisors need to view the reports to ensure the accounting clerks complete their tasks by enter all the information before month end. Once all the information are entered the director of accounting and finance would access to review the reports or edit them if needed to ensure that the finance are corrected such as Account Payable and Credit, and they will base on the information and number on the reports to make best decisions for the business. On the other hand, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO would access to the entire system to review all the reports such as month end reports and payment reports in order to see if the company is making or losing money. The bottom line would show that either the company is making profits or losing money and which areas. It is important for the reports to be accurate because the management would base on the information shows on these reports to make best decision for the business as well as the compan y. Riordan AIS Integration and Internal Controls Integrating the accounts receivable accounting process into an automated system requires specific internal controls to protect the company against fraud and theft. An efficient control system will protect the confidence of information, quickly identify errors, and remove the opportunity of compromise. Setting controls should also ensure the accuracy of data entered into the accounts receivable ledger, ensure a segregation of duties, and promote a timely presentation of financial reports in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, the company must ensure the integrity of all financial information. To determine the effectiveness of an automated accounts receivable process a system must be put in place to monitor it. Written control policies must be developed for all employees with access to  automated systems or relative information. There must be a set protocol implemented for all activities. Management must be familiar with and closely monitor daily activities. Infogix, Inc. is a software company that helps businesses to monitor and analyze information. Independent, automated controls are implemented to monitor information from beginning to end. Infogix controls make sure that all activities comply with COBIT, all transactions are validated, and subsequently compliance costs are reduced. AIS Integration and Reporting Processes Enterprise integration of centralized accounting information system (â€Å"AIS†) at Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. (â€Å"Riordan†) brings a number of challenges with respect to reporting processes. Previously, Riordan’s various AIS deployed in regional offices â€Å"[have] been unable to achieve anything remotely resembling ‘seamless compatibility'† (Apollo Group, Inc., 2013, Riordan—Finance Overview, para. 5), with a corresponding lack of information portability and accessibility between offices. A centralized data warehouse for Riordan allows all regional offices to enter and store accounts receivable data in uniform data tables and procedures, permitting more easily comprehended data in nearly real-time accessibility. This enhanced data storage capacity also requires enhanced information reporting processes, with sufficiently powerful and flexible hardware and software packages to meet the complex and diverse needs of Riordan’s central administration and its many regional offices. Hardware Proposals Riordan’s multiple regional offices present a diverse requirement in terms of hardware needs. Most office workers will find their tasks sufficiently satisfied with standard personal computers, without requiring much customization by the organization aside from adherence to security protocol. Many sales and executive staff will require far more complex and diverse hardware packages in their work. Laptop computers allow nearly all capabilities of a personal computer in a more portable device, but may yet be too bulky when literally on the move. To this end, tablet computers and smart-phones allow access to the Internet and thus—with the proper credentials and software—sufficient accessibility to organizational information systems and communication networks. However, a balance must be  found between convenience and cost-effectiveness in terms of actual hardware selection in these circumstances. Reporting Software Proposals Two powerful pieces of software for business reporting purposes are Crystal Reports and Business Objects. According to the marketing department of its publisher, Crystal Reports is â€Å"powerful, user-friendly applications †¦ [that] can help you deliver key insights to the right decision maker, at the right time, in the right format† (SAP, 2014, para. 1). This sort of software is a SQL programming tool to design and produce custom, automated reports from a variety of data sources in an organizational information system. The program engine may also be integrated into custom designed data entry and reporting software packages from other third-party vendors, allowing these powerful reports to be easily incorporated into packages custom designed to meet the organization’s informational needs. AIS Integration with Company Internet and Intranet Portals The company’s intranet should have information that allows employees to be more knowledgeable about the company. It should include items such as an employee directory; benefit plan details; structural information regarding the company; the company’s mission statement, goals, and objectives; and request forms for supplies and processes. Although detailed information regarding Accounts Receivable would not be shared on the Intranet, the large picture of the financial information for the company should be on the Intranet for employees to view. This could include quarterly financial reports, with the total accounts receivable amount integrated into the report. This would allow employees to feel empowered by knowing how the company is handling money. It also gives employees a feeling of contentment knowing that they are secure in their organization. In conclusion, it is important for the company to choose the best hardware and software to fit and benefit the company to ensur e that it aids the business as well as creating the financial reports and keep track with its customers. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portal—Riordan—Company intranet—Homepage. Retrieved from: Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portal—Riordan—Company intranet—Finance overview. Retrieved from: Bagranoff, N. A., Norman, C. S., Simkin, M. G. (2008). Core concepts of accounting information systems (10th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from University of Phoenix ACC/340—Accounting Information Systems—Course Materials. (2014) Empower your small business with SAP Crystal Reports. Retrieved from:

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