Saturday, August 31, 2019

Media Is Playing a Constructive Role to the Society. Discuss Essay

Because of the extremely fast development of modern technology, people’s living condition has been changed entirely throughout the past decade. Instead of focusing on the material goods such as food and garments, we tend to strive for mental enjoyment; therefore, media has become an essential part of our daily life. When it comes to this issue, perspectives, apparently, may vary from individual to individual. Many people hold the opinion that media is positive to the society because of the large amount of information it brings to us. However, as far as I am concerned, Media is destructive to the society because of its negative influence, too much freedom, and over expose. My reasons are as follow. It is always top of my arguments that media is having the tendency of spreading negative influence towards the teenagers and young adults. For example, Hollywood produces thousands of movies every year, with the fact that more than half of them have the content of sex and violence. This will cause the effect that more than half of the movies that this generation watch is about the negative content, which can influence them toward these kinds of manner also. Apart from this, they may also have the possibility of using them in the real life. For instance, there are always scenes of smoking in the movies. Whenever they see these, they will have a desire of trying by them. Thus, Media is being extremely destructive to the society and human beings. Another equally essential factor, which brings about people’s attention, is that Media is giving too much freedom to the users so that they tend to abuse it negatively. Recently, there was an online fight between all the netizens and Facebook users towards the Muslim race. Instead of having Internet harmony, the netizens choose to post and write something against social harmony, which can also cause the disagreement towards some certain issues that should have been solved quietly and easily. Only if the Internet is banned can this these kinds of fight and argument be eliminated; therefore, media is not having constructive effect on the modern society  which indicates that media is playing a destructive role on it. However, many people hold the opinion that media has provided us with an open platform to get to know and understand the information all around the world. They consider that media is the only material that motivate and stimulate the process of modernization and globalization. Instead of a negative influence towards the society, the media is playing a positive and constructive role and it makes our society progressing in a positive manner. However, in my opinion, although media may have these advantages mentioned above, they are just the byproduct of the negative effect that media brought to us. As far as I am concerned, whenever media is connecting everyone closer and closer, it also produces a high chance of loosing personal privacy. As long as there is information on Internet, there will also be rumors and leaking of personal information. Media is giving out our own property instead of protecting us. Judging from this, media is playing a destructive role instead of affecting our so ciety positively. In conclusion, based on the evidence mentioned above, I personally consider that media is playing a destructive role in the society because it has brought about negative behaviors that may be copied by the teenagers and young adults, and it has created too much freedom and uncertainty for the media users to carryout unacceptable or illegal activities and programs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The role of engineers in policy making

Policies target jobs. Policy sets forth an apprehension through regulations that govern a state of affairs necessitating declaration. It is created in both domestic and international kingdoms as public policy, with ends of promotion in mark countries such as instruction, wellness and public assistance, defence, and in-migration. While these may be readily accepted as longstanding issues in humanity, with continuing recognition of their being and on-going outgos of monies toward proposed solutions, we must inquire why our policies do n't give us coveted consequences. At a national degree, certain political procedures exist to guarantee that democratic engagement in policymaking exists and this typically occurs â€Å" inside nation-states † ( Stone 2008:23 ) . While critical analysis reveals restrictions to the procedure, there is no such procedure in making international policy. Nanz and Steffek ( 2004 ) remark that â€Å" International administration is distant from citizens, its processs are opaque, and it is dominated by diplomats, administrative officials and functional specializers. † Stone ( 2008:24 ) farther claims that this restriction â€Å" has incapacitated critical thought. † Functional specializers advise diplomats and administrative officials as to the range and comprehensiveness of a given societal job. Horowitz ( 1979:1 ) called them, societal scientists, as â€Å" bookkeepers of the psyche. † They collect informations, proctor advancement, and evaluate consequences to suggest a theory that supports the ir research and probe. They do so in as non-partisan an attack as possible because the strength of their statement is from their rational neutrality ( Stone 2001 ) and assumes the interlingual rendition of the job is right ( Ricoeur 2006:11-29 ) . This positive attack is reinforced by an â€Å" operational codebook for making societal scientific discipline work within a governmental context † ( Horowitz 1979:6 ) . It has been observed during past legion old ages that the consecutive enlargement of the radio communicating and printing imperativeness, have enabled the omnipresent formation, defining, and distribution of information. As a consequence of such advancement, the aptitude for world-wide engagement in determination devising in political relations and other Fieldss has grown to an extraordinary degree, as has the chance for heightening the quality of life. Nowadays, the new universe of vigorous communiqu & A ; Atilde ;  © lies before us and it has all been made likely by the ability, endowment, and devoted work of scientists and applied scientists. The key is to develop and use such ability to reason the fate. Soon, we are come ining in a new epoch of distributed intelligence in which information and cognition is available anyplace to any individual at any clip. In this epoch, information, duty and power moved off from centralized control to the person. Within this position, scientists and applied scientists play a drastic function. Our construction of preparation and instruction must therefore prepare future technology and scientific discipline professionals to shoulder lifting duties and pattern lifting chances. Engineers played a drastic function in technology field by enabling the Industrial Revolution and information age. Furthermore, it is apparent that technological invention is the key to economic growing and wealth creative activity in any state. Harmonizing to the study of National Science Boar and U.S. Council of Economic Advisors, technological revolution has boost up the economic growing by one tierce over the past 50 old ages. Harmonizing to the celebrated economic experts, Peter Drucker, â€Å" wealth is an information building, a human activity that can capitulate both invention and productiveness † . Knowledge maps to duties we already cognize how to make can hike efficiency, while cognition pattern to errands that are new and different is freshness, the procedure of crafting new concerns and administer new services and merchandises to multitudes. The true energy of a state lies in its human capital, peculiarly its technology labour force. Engineers develop new merchandises and procedure and trade and administer new systems for civil fabrication, substructure, information direction, wellness attention bringing, computing machine communications, and others. In common, applied scientists put all their cognition and experience to work for society and help the private sector ‘s latent to craft occupations and wealth for the multitudes. To boom and shore up up richness, applied scientists must show more than first rate scientific and proficient expertness. In a increasingly more competitory universe, applied scientists aid us to do valuable and right determinations about puting immense sum of money, human resources and clip towards common ends. Engineers are the individual who knows how to execute right undertakings at right clip every bit good as knows the right undertakings to execute. For case, applied scientists are able to work in squads and posses good communicating accomplishments. Furthermore, they are resilient, adjustable and flexible. Engineers chiefly focus on the busying a systems attack in their occupation to do correlativity within the model of political, economic, environmental, ethical, and international considerations. Another common illustration is innovation procedure as illustrated by Drucker, i.e. bring forthing and giving from new things contrary to efficiency which implies merely building bin g things more proficiently. On the other manus, the ether of technology is mixing all cognition for some purpose. Engineers as societies â€Å" maestro planimeters † must offer direction in the synchronised and synergistic class of invention and wealth formation. Furthermore, the applied scientist must be able to work across legion diverse Fieldss and subjects and do the associations that will escort to subterranean penetration, more advanced elucidation, and acquiring things completed. Presents, it is revealed that technology pupils spend most of their profession managing with the challenge vastly diverse from those experienced by applied scientists in this new epoch. The rational capablenesss of the hereafter applied scientists will spread out vastly beyond the conventional scientific discipline focused preparation that has portrayed technology tutoring since Second World War. 634 There are certain factors that contribute drastically to this new push, which include worldwide commercial completion which involves the technology employment and industrial organisation chances offered by intelligent engineering normally known as eclectic which is continuously altering occupation environment naming for acute interpersonal accomplishments and lifting apprehension of the demand to put wellness, environment, and safety at the beginning of the design class. Engineers gained mathematical and scientific accomplishments which are considered compulsory for their occupation success. As most of the technology professionals are equipped with the following capablenesss they can execute an outstanding occupation in policy devising for the major Fieldss of the state. These capablenesss are: * Plan in order to run into dependability, safety, and environmental, operational, cost and care aims. * Recognize merchandises i.e. goods or services. * To craft or explicate, manage and continued intricate systems. * Comprehend the physical physique and the industrial, political, economic, societal and international position within which technology is experienced. * Participate and grok the research procedure. * Possess the rational capablenesss needed for larning throughout the whole life. Technology is all approximately practical job work outing in the altering physical universe utilizing proficient, scientific and concern accomplishments. The realistic nature of technology signifies that technology expertness and advice is of important value in explicating a policy and present different countrywide undertakings. For case the desire for technology advice is peculiarly relevant in the field of clime alteration. The biggest trial presents to any authorities is explored for grounds for clime alteration alternatively of explore for resources to hedge its progress and palliating its consequence that is the issue of technology and engineering. Furthermore, crafting professional judgements about the feasibleness of any national undertaking is an built-in portion of the technology preparation. It is become clear that technology advice in policy devising can be a critical in many policy countries. Government has consulted many applied scientists for different countries for policy devising like critical national substructure, Rescue operations, and Energy sectors. Many Government and research institute together with the joint coaction started new ventures to advance different invention and research of energy undertakings for case undertakings where technology is the bosom of the scheme of the Government for heading towards a C impartial economic system. Furthermore, in the recent few old ages, there is a turning support for applied scientist ‘s function in policy devising by the Government every bit good as in private sectors. One of the premier grounds for the lifting demand is that most of the policy shapers are of the sentiment that Engineers possess necessary expertness and accomplishments in the development of natural resources to run into national marks and tests. Furthermore, most of the applied scientists are adept in direction of appraisal and hazard of the technological elucidation to trials like security of energy supply or clime alteration which serves as a necessary portion of good and effectual policy devising. Government is doing immense assignment of applied scientists in public sector to turn its economic system swimmingly. Such assignment would besides travel a important manner to guarantee that technology is decently corresponded to Government and that the desires and parts of applied scientists are dealt wi th by Government in a strategic manner. Most of the policy shapers are of the sentiment that applied scientists who are best qualified should put finest pattern in technology advocate for the Government. Just like a Chief Scientific Adviser is needed for the scientific discipline policy in a section of the Government, likewise technology expertness is needed to explicate a best possible technology policy. Furthermore, Government has besides recognized the significance of applied scientists in policy devising. Many policy shapers believed that suited gratitude should be given to Engineering and Technology in the policy formulating process. The applied scientists has to execute assorted occupations in policy devising procedure as it must be guarantee that their advice has sufficient capacity existed to run into states need. Engineering is non limited to civil service as its capacity and range of work is far more than civil technology. Furthermore, it is recommended that Government needs to be a wise patronage for technology services and advice when it receives. This means that Government should engage such staff for policy devising procedure that understand and measure their best technology advice. Furthermore, such staff should lend with groundss and assess proficient grounds to assorted sectors. Evidence based policy in chief countries such as low C conveyance, energy supply and clime alteration. Such marks and ends in these countries are accomplishable merely if the input of the policy advisors peculiarly technology advises has a clear apprehension of the needed grounds of the given field. China is still a underdeveloped state and it fleetly building itself, factually, and applied scientists are extremely valued in such state. Furthermore, the advancement of Japan lies in a fact that it has conventionally a really strong technology base. It develop itself after the war through high tech technology industries wh ich consequences in a strong economic system of Japan. No uncertainty that bulk in the bing epoch has been enormously attracted towards fiscal services but still both Government value applied scientists and gives them high topographic points to work in policy devising procedure. Engineers can play a drastic function in the recovery of economic system through good policy devising. Engineering and economic recovery sounds two different Fieldss but is closely related with each other with a broader position. Professional applied scientist ‘s occupations are non limited to planing and edifice things that resolve practical issues in the echt universe. Engineering is a much broader term and the range of applied scientist is far more than civil service. Most of the major challenges of the state every bit good as the Earth are handiness of energy at cheaper rate, security issues, clime alteration and H2O handiness are the cardinal issues that needs expertness of applied scientists to repair them. Government needs applied scientists to work closely that represent different subdivisions of technology. However, in wider position, technology community, with a collaborative association of more than 400,000 qualified professional people has late felt that they are to some extent undervalued by policy shapers and politicians voyaging the economic system. Some of the policy shapers nevertheless revealed that technology advice in policy devising procedure are wholly helpful in the station industrial economic system. They believed that the hereafter of the state economic system is predominately in service industries peculiarly in technology industry and fiscal sector. A recent study of technology council revealed that they have found technology field as one of the greatest strength of the economic system and were delighted to happen out that applied scientists are immensely considered internationally more than their places. Furthermore, it is observed that the state failed to utilize its technology lineage to confront the economic challenges coming down line. Gradually the Government took drastic stairss to engage applied scientists in different sections of the Government machinery peculiarly in policy devising to hike up the economic system.Mentions:Horowitz, Irving L. 1979 Constructing Policy: Dialogues with Social Scientists in the National Political Arena. New York: Praeger Publishers. Nanz, Patrizia and Jens Steffek 2004 Global Governance, Participation and the Public Sphere. Government and Opposition 39 ( 2 ) :314-335. Ricoeur, Paul 2007 Reflections on The Just. Chicago: The University Chicago Press. Rock, Deborah 2001 Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision-Making. New York: W. W. Norton.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Benefits of Education for Society

Benefits of Education for Society Benefit of the education: Education a tool for progress Abstract This document shows us some educative system that change social status of the society and how the education is a perfect mechanism for finding the economic stability of a country. This research is based on fact of countries that had suffered key change using to the education how way for building a competitive civilization. Moreover, Finn educative system has been the best of the world without pressures to students. When they choose subjects, class schedules with the purpose of having brilliant students that supply their knowledge at the community. It decreased the levels of poverty in developing cities. So, this country focused in creating groups people working together for finding big profits on an environment complex. In addition, government have implemented extreme laws as free education since the first education years until university. In this nation, all is free including educative material, meal and tra nsport producing big result as the first country in innovation. Besides, time moderns had put on evidence that the world continually modify different aspects as educational, economic and social.   It has seen the need of finding other solutions based in the creativity and the innovation that request to progress with the time. So, technology is the result of people who look for show their investigations through constant experiments. Nowadays, it serves as support material for creating an easy learning to students that allow them development their thought creative. Education: A tool for progress The educational systems influence in the student dynamics facilitating the learning with techniques that allow the development mental and psychological of the students. However, obsolete educational models is ending with the critical thought of the youth. Due to, classes are not interactive between professor and student or student and student getting a level low of learning in compa rison of other countries. It connects the real world with the imaginary established possibilities for the progress where the only benefited has been the humanity. It has meant a halted society in the past without future. However, could new educational methods serves as a window to successful? Challenges of the human being are strategic approaches designs depending on the necessities that turn around of our environment. In other words, it means our world is created on base of people who has seen and thought of a way different. So, some countries adopt at the education as a form for the progress and create new policies on profit of the knowledge until get a stability economy of a country on development process. Then, it allow to develop scientist mind through experiments based experience accumulations that in an unexpected moment appearance and transformed our life. Therefore, we have to mention to the creativity and at the innovation as resources of development on a future closer. The Knowledge Builds Cities The researcher spirit is inside of each person like a faded diamond that only need to polish for having a shine. It means that the people since they are children need to have more attention and a correct education for developing a set of ideas in front of any event. It will allow them improving to generate big solutions in look for excellent. But, in the traditional educative systems, students go to the classes for staying in their seat and do not interact in the classes. At the result, that country stays in the past. The humanity requests changes constants on educative models and at the same time a dedication about effects produced on the youth. However, countries advance to big step that decrease its resources until cause damage irreversible. Here, the education is an important role because, it creates mechanics that help to eradicate problems with simple solutions based on idea rains according to a think way. Educative institutions are held to Go vernment laws apply their form of leading a nation. In this situation, the new mechanics tend to lose their figure on the development model technologic and industrial. But, there are countries where the public sectors have their space. So as, Hancock (2011) explain that â€Å"In 1963, the Finnish Parlia-ment made the bold decision to choose public education as its best shot at economic recovery.† Finland recently has been the attention center at worldwide level on education because this country has the best educative system of the world. This change began 40 years ago when they used at the education as only possible of thriving on the economy. This program takes many time until on 2000 year was the first evaluation done by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) with a standardized test showing that Finland had the best readers of the world, on few time after they was the best in math. In 2009, PISA put to Nordic state on second place in science, in third plac e in reading and six place in math. So, they performed that education is the key of the successful. Due to, government post at the education as a mechanism for leaving of the poverty and compete worldwide. This system is success on two important aspects: Educative Model The education is free for all Finn with any economic levels receive the same knowledge and children begin school life at 7 years old. The primary education has a length of six years during this time, they have classes with the same professor each subject. They attend at the school few hours each student learns to think in the different educative levels are integrated in one only body. In other words, there is not a transition since initial education, school primary, college until university. Professor It is the career more difficult because the students must study hard for getting excellent grades. The major of students want to follow a teaching career because it has big prestige and is a respectable figure. Although, the professor salary is not high as others professions, it has huge petition in society. This carrier is enough demanding for the students but each university admits only 10% of the total of candidates. In addition, duration of this university career is five years, three years they study for a bachelor ´s degree and two years for a specialization obligatory on master. When students finish his teaching career, majority of graduate choose the childhood as the resource of knowledge on a society in building. In short, they consider that the childhood is starting point for future changes of their country. Also, children have curiosity for learning and know things that are around. All Finland people trust in the knowledge of their teachers and usually need them help about something that they do not know. Because, the community knows that students with excellent qualifications access to the teaching. Innovation and Creativity The innovation is the source of the wealth on setting of the creativity, a transition that breaks the traditional diagrams below the light of fresh ideas promoting  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   the art of thinking.   So as, Robinson (2010) explain that â€Å"In fact, creativity — which I define as the process of having original ideas that have value — more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.† Then, the tactic discipline puts on evidence creation of a right behavior directed interchange of ideas between people. Occasionally, the scientists use simple ideas like hypothesis for arriving to a general idea (thesis) in middle of these two points exist innumerable experimental processes. So, there are great creations start with simple answer and follow a sequence logical of thoughts until get a purpose. For instance, the technology since its creation on the century XXI has united borders and has destroyed obstacles on the field social and on construct ion of new knowledge. Nowadays, the professors and students have benefit on the learning and the teaching through computational programs orient to create more invent in basing of invent created. However, it needs economic investment of local governments and contribution of private companies for an excellent educative level. That is to say, the better investment is in the education. In addition, some invents serve like experimental models for the next generation. It attracts attention of the students and possibility of creating a revolutionary idea. Creativity designs a path of chances on crisis times. Creative uses passion as the motor to develop an activity and involving the imagination in the prediction about something that will happen or happened. Humans are the only with capacity compose, create, invent, build cities and buildings. We live in an imaginary world where everything around us is the end product of an idea that someone had. So, if we put our neurons to work we are a ble to advance, progress, start our projects and face new challenges. Although, sometimes we have possibility of making mistakes, this not must be impediment because stumbling leads to a good idea. Therefore, we all have capacity to create and to imagine but we must learn to develop it in the same way that we learn to read. Senegal (2016) said that â€Å"Technology is progressively replacing manual labour and pervading how we live and work.† So, the creativity revolutionizes the learning and changing the social status of a generation that advances continuously using new methods on the education. Modern methodologies offer a variety of solutions with the building of investigation centers. It has gotten good profit and the quote of investigators for the modern world. In conclusion, this research have found important aspects that is changing the world since human beings use their physical abilities or intellectuals for creating something. However, some people is following ol d methods that do not allow developing a creative though with activities focused to future world. On the other hand, new study techniques propose radical changes in the behavior mental in front of challenges of a society that search getting an equilibrium social and economic. So, each epoch marks the end and the beginning of something new where creativity plays an important role in the advance or deterioration of a civilization. References Compton, A. (Direccià ³n). (2012). The Finland Phenomenon [Pelà ­cula]. Hancock, L. (- de 09 de 2011). Obtenido de Ossola, A. (12 de 11 de 2014). The Atlantic. Obtenido de The Atlantic: Robinson, K. (2010). Ted Ideas Worth Spreading. Obtenido de Ted Ideas Worth Spreading: l_creativity?language=en Segal, S. (20 de 5 de 2016). World Economic Forum. Obtenido de World Economic Forum:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Poor Nations Are Poor Because the First World Is Rich Essay

Poor Nations Are Poor Because the First World Is Rich - Essay Example Examples of such countries that have undergone such natural disasters include Haiti and Indonesia. On July 6th and 7th Hurricane Dennis touched the south-east coast of Haiti causing devastating damage that cost about $4 billion USD. For a country like Haiti that was a big economic blow. However, it is the poor countries who allow the exploitation to take place. Consequently, they re partly to blame. However, exploitation of the poor countries contribute to their impoverished states. Another contributing factor is the issue of slavery. Although slavery was abolished more than a hundred and forty years ago, most of the third world countries have been and still are on the receiving end of this practice. While rich first world countries spent most of their time acquiring wealth and building their superior economies, most of the poor nation's citizens had not gained their freedom. Africa for example has some of the poorest and youngest nations in the world with most of their early years s pent being ruled by their colonial masters, most of which are the first world countries (Myers, 2004). In the present day there is also the emergence of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a practice whereby an individual is tricked or coerced into forced labor. The person is then used as a sex slave or for labor. Most victims of human trafficking come from third world countries and are often poor, gullible and uneducated. This continual loss of people through slavery and human trafficking has an adverse effect on the growth of these third world countries (Starr, 2003). However, slavery was facilitated by the natives of the poor countries. Consequently, the blame cannot be squarely put on the developed countries alone. However, this vice continues to contribute to the state of... This paper approves that while rich first world countries spent most of their time acquiring wealth and building their superior economies, most of the poor nation's citizens had not gained their freedom. Africa for example has some of the poorest and youngest nations in the world with most of their early years spent being ruled by their colonial masters, most of which are the first world countries. In the present day there is also the emergence of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a practice whereby an individual is tricked or coerced into forced labor. The person is then used as a sex slave or for labor. Most victims of human trafficking come from third world countries and are often poor, gullible and uneducated. This paper makes a conclusion that first world countries have been the main set back as far as a development is concerned in the third world nation. Some measures have been put in place to ensure industrialization in the developed world does not limit developing nation’s capacities. For instance, environmental international laws require that each country should not exceed a certain amount or rate of polluting gases to the atmosphere. Developed countries should unite so they operate as a single block, as experienced in Europe and United Kingdom. Such unity will enable improved international trade between the countries, other than depending on export and import trade with Western, developed nations. Such unity is also likely to improve their currency strengths.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stateless nation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stateless nation - Research Paper Example In this paper, much focus will be on the stateless nation of Kurds (Natali 70). The Kurds hence are a group of ancient non-Arabs that are mostly Sunni Muslims. In terms of geographical distribution, they are sparsely distributed across several states in Turkey, Iran and Iraq, while a few others exist in Syria, Armenia, and Azerbaijan (Koohzad 180). Therefore, an annotated bibliography of the Kurds will be summarized in this paper to provide a clear picture of the stateless nation of Kurds. Aristova, T. and David Testen. "Kurds." Encyclopedia of World Cultures (1996): 234-260. In the Encyclopedia of world cultures, an overview of Kurds is provided. The paper clearly provides the population statistics of the Kurds back then in 1989 (Aristove 235). It goes forth and provides their distribution in the various regions which they occupy: USSR, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova (Aristove 245). The article also provides a brief overview of their linguistic affiliation. It continues father to give a discussion of their history plus their cultural relations. Furthermore, the encyclopedia also provides a brief yet detailed overview of their language, literacy, settlements, economy, religion and finally their culture (Aristove 256). Koohzad, M. "Kurds." The International Journal of Kurdish Studies (2008): 22 (1), 173-192. In this journal article, Koohzad provides an overview of the Kurdish culture and society. From various researches conducted by various people, the journal article manages to provide evidenced information in regard to the Kurds fiasco (Koohzad 183). It encompasses a detailed overview of the Kurdish language, the society and its history. In addition, much interest is drawn to it in regard to their anthropology. Furthermore, it provides an overview in regard to its stateless nature and some of the efforts put forth by Kurds in regard to nation building (Koohzad 191). Natali, Den ise. The Kurds And the State: Evolving National Identity in Iraq, Turkey, And Iran. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2005. Print. This book provides an evolutionary explanation of the Kurdish nationalism, showing that contrary to the popular beliefs and theories in regard to the Kurds, as it supports the fact that their nothing fixed or natural in regard to Kurdish identity or whatever nationalism they assume (Natali 67). The author of this book argues that the given nationalism of the Kurdish people might have been shaped through the existence of other nation states and the need to have their own. it goes further to explain the political, and cultural aspects of the Kurds in detail (Natali 69). Reynolds, James. "Defiance in Turkey's Kurdish heartland." 11 October 2012. 1 April 2013 . In this article written by Reynolds James, an overview of the stateless region of Kurdish and its inhabitants it’s provided and a detailed explanation provided on why they were be ing defiant to the existing Turkish government. The article starts by the editor enquiring the identity of a certain child, of which refuted as saying he was not Turkish, and insisted he was Kurdish (Reynolds). It continues by providing a history into the birth of the stateless nation Kurds and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Does Robert Bruce deserve to be remembered as a great Scottish king Essay - 4

Does Robert Bruce deserve to be remembered as a great Scottish king - Essay Example His ability to defeat most of his enemies enabled him to control a much larger part of Scotland; something that gave him the way forward and accorded him respect from his fellow citizens. He was also able to retain this independence up to his death, and this should be enough to keep him as a national hero that deserves such honour for gifting his country the most essential part of any liberal society. The fact that Robert the Bruce fought to free the Scottish society should be reason enough to have him remembered as a hero. The history of Robert the Bruce began in 1124 when the very first of the Bruce’s family arrived in Scotland. David Bruce was the first one, and he was able to settle in the lands of Annandale in Galloway and Dumfries (Whyte 2014: 12). This was enough to have the family recognised as one of the ruling dynasties, though the then king of England, who remotely ruled Scotland, wanted to use it as a way of wooing them to his side. Robert the Bruce was the son of Robert de Bruce, who was the sixth Lord of Annandale and Marjorie who was the Countess of Carrick (Brown 2004: 15). Robert the Bruce claimed the throne as David 1’s fourth great grandson. From his mother, he was able to inherit the Earldom of Carrick, and his father gave him the chance to have his chance at the Scottish throne. The family was also well endowed, having lands and estates in County Durham, Essex, Garioch and Middlesex (Brown 2008: 54). This allowed them to have a better chance of recognition from the go vernment in England, and that was a good thing for their survival. He had nine siblings, spending a huge part of his life together his brother Edward at the courts with the nobles. Little can be said of Robert’s youth because it was a little obscured by the hidden nature noted in many of the kingdoms then. Speculations would occur based on what people knew would happen in these kingdoms, since history did not record his existence until he was older. As such, there is a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Modify the last one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modify the last one - Essay Example 2.2 Basis of the Research The present research will be focused on an individual company ( J T Inglis & Sons) although it is necessary to make an industry analysis prior to arriving at any conclusion. The analysis will be that for the garments industry which has a widespread presence in almost every nation around the world. It will be that in context of the Indian market although the market in other Asian transition economies, characterized by similar traits will be assessed as well. The idea will be to examine the extent to which the garments industry in India is open for Western entrants. After an assessment of the behavioral nature of the garments industry in India, the next step will be to evaluate the possibilities of J T Inglis & Sons successfully launching its stores in the country. 2.3 Recent Developments The present case will be that in the context of Indian garments industry and the peer industry in other transition economies of Asia such as China, Taiwan, etc., where J T In glis & Sons has found a robust spot. ... is also evident from the fact that it contributes almost 14% to the aggregate industrial production yielded by the country apart from the fact that it accounts for 30% of total exports of the economy. The export statistic of the economy is found to be growing quite highly as is prominent from the fact that it increased annually by almost 22% between 2004-05 and 2005-06. In the global context, textile exports from India out of aggregate exports in the segment are found to be lying between 3% and 4% according to 2005-06 statistics. Of all foreign markets which highly demand Indian textile garments are Europe and USA where Indian apparel accounts for respectively 43% and 33% of the total apparels being sold. In addition, a large part of South East Asia also accounts for huge export demand for Indian apparels (India Exports and Business Trade Zone, n.d.). Thus, there is high demand for Indian garments and apparels all across the world. But most of these apparels are highly oriental in fa shion and the high demand accounts mainly for the huge Indian population which resides in these regions, although this might not be considered the case for men’s wear. Women’s wears being exported are in line with Indian trends which are mostly what the nation produces. On the other hand, the nation poses high demand for Western wear as well, in an era of increased globalization where the young generation is highly influenced by the trends prevailing in the West. These trends might not be possible for the indigenous manufacturers to master, which is exactly what creates the room for the entry of Western textile houses. 2.4 Issue to be solved In order to figure out the issues and problems to be addressed in this paper in line with the aforementioned topic, the following points could be

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 375

Assignment Example fixed and the damping is reduced to zero, the wave oscillates with gradually increasing amplitude above the natural frequency of the generating medium. When set on the loose end, with the initial default conditions kept constant, the wave gradually decays in an exponential manner and when the damping is offset the wave oscillates with almost equal amplitude. However setting no end on, with zero damping a wave with crests of equal amplitude is generated and a smooth wave flow is observed. Additionally, when the damping is set at zero and at loose end, the amplitude of the wave increases gradually and the wave interferes destructively and starts over and over again. A similar condition is experienced when it is set at the fixed end with zero amplitude, in which case, the reflected part of the wave interferes destructively constantly. The natural phenomena like tides in oceans, earthquakes and waves on a string are examples The term standing wave is used to denote the resonant mode of the vibrating string or the simulation used in this experiment. The resonance in this simulation is created by constructive interference of two waves which travel in opposite directions in the same medium creating a simple harmonic oscillator. Diagrams 1 through 4 in the inserted pictures above show how the wave transits from one stage to another and eventually returns to the initial position showing a simple harmonic

Saturday, August 24, 2019

To What Extent Did Adam Smith Offer A Critique Of Free Market Essay

To What Extent Did Adam Smith Offer A Critique Of Free Market Capitalism - Essay Example Capitalists, in particular, supported Smith's policies and often twisted his words to justify mistreatment of workers. They suggested that child labor laws, maximum working hours, and factory health codes constituted a violation of their rights and Smith's golden rule. Similar attempts by factory owners to use Smith's teaching in order to further their own ends continued well into the twentieth century. Historical Framework of Adam Smith’s Theory: The image of the nation state as we know it in the present day has started a long time ago in Europe when individual countries started to think of their legitimacy and control over the political and economical lives of the people (Hindle). During the seventeenth century, the most dominant theory is that which describe the role of the state as a legitimate authority that governs all the aspects of the people's lives. During that period, many thinkers and politicians started to think of the state as the governing body and the ruler as the highest authority that should have all the power in his hands to control his country (Hindle). One of the great advocates of this theory of the role of the state is Machiavelli, who sees the rule as the ultimate power and the state as the highest governing authority. In addition, other theories that describe the role of the state looks at it as an organizer of people's lives with minimum amounts of interference in the political and economic lives. This led to the existence of liberal democratic societies in many places of the world, especially in most of the European countries (Sidgwick). One of the main characteristics of this theory of the role of the state is the emergence of some trends such as industrialization, capitalism, and mercantilism. Such new trends have left important impacts on the role of the state in people's lives. For example, the period during which the role of the state started to be minimized has been characterized by the domination of markets over state po licies, climaxed in the initiation of the concept of laissez-faire, as popularized by Adam Smith (Sidgwick). Political economy for most of the twentieth century has defined a particular field of study - the relationship between the state and the economy. As defined by Karl Marx, political economy is a branch of science concerned with the production of commodities and the accumulation of wealth' ("Political Economy"). This involved both different visions of its ideal institutional form as well as theoretical and empirical analysis of agencies and structures, and debates on the principles and substance of public policy. It was accordingly marked by fierce ideological, methodological and theoretical disputes. The different schools of political economy were sharply divided by their methods of analysis and by their ideological preferences. The rival camps agreed, however, that the main concern of political economy was the relationship between the public and the private spheres, although they disagreed about the nature of that relationship. In the public sphere, the arena of politics, the dominant institution was defined as the nation-state, while in the private sphere, the arena of economics, the dominant institution was defined as the national market. On this basis a further set of distinctions between the national and the international, and between the developed and the developing world, were constructed ("Studies in

Friday, August 23, 2019

AUSTRALIAN STUDIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

AUSTRALIAN STUDIES - Essay Example Latham's Australian Immigration Policy and Horne's The Lucky Country are examples of primary documents that may be used for this objective. This paper summarizes each document first, then tackles them both in an integrated section, and finally makes a conclusion. In this document, J.G. Latham was reacting to a pamphlet entitled "Control or Color Bar" said to be published by the Immigration Reform Group of the University of Melbourne. The pamphlet criticizes the Australian Immigration Policy and Latham was concerned for fear that Australia's' reputation might be harmed and its relations with other countries prejudiced. The proposal of the pamphlet was that Australia initiate offer to non-European countries for agreements admitting people from these countries into Australia as permanent residents Latham, however, is of the view that there is common sense in controlling immigration to one's country, which does not necessarily foster racial hatred. First off, Latham said, criticism should be based on accurate statements and proper understanding of the policy. In the Australian Immigration Policy, he says, color is not a criterion as it does not count whiteness as racial superiority. True, he said, there are differences in Oriental civilizations and European civilizations as to color, race, language, tradition, history, and loyalties including in social and political outlook and organization, in religion, in manner of living, and standards of living - but color and race are not tests of character and quality. So, to the proposal of the pamphlet that Australia be opened to immigrants as permanent residents, Latham said - If the Australian government went out of its way even to discuss with all of them how many of their people they would like Australia to take as settlers annually, the government would, it would be suggested, simply be asking for trouble. The Government might even discover that millions of people in Africa believe strenuously in a "Black Africa." Would the government undertake a campaign to get them to change their minds The point of Latham is that the pamphlet thinks Australia's immigration policy absolutely excludes Asians and suggests that there should instead be control of immigration. The pamphlet also thinks Australian Immigration Policy is only after filtering colors without wise control. Explaining his side, Latham says - "A man can have friends without inviting them all to his house. If a person says that he has a right to be invited - or at least to complain because he has not been invited, - there will not be a good prospect for friendship. If a person goes so far as to say that he has a right to come into the house (of a friend or anyone), whether has been invited or not - and to stay - then friendship will be impossible. Concluding with emphasis that the Australian Immigration Policy is not based on color prejudice or racial superiority, Latham says Australia had in the past been admitting merchants, tourists and students which many know nothing of, beginning with the critics. Horne, Donald.1968 (1964). The First Suburban Nation. The Lucky Country: Australia in The Sixties, Ringwood: Penguin, pp28-31, 97-100 Horne's piece is about the real Australia that lacks a serious writer to write about it; therefore

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pros and Cons Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons Essay 1) Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global warming is therefore relatively little. Between mining the uranium, refining and enriching fuel, and finally to building and operating the plant, a big 1,250 250-megawatt nuclear facility produces an estimated 250,000 tons of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. In contrast, coal-fired plants produce close to 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year in the U. S. alone while also emitting lots of other pollution: soot that causes lung diseases; sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that cause smog and acid rain; and mercury that contaminates fish. In fact, coal kills 4000 times as many people as nuclear power, according to one analysis. 2) It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single plant. 3) This technology is readily available. Disadvantages 1) Uranium Waste- The chief danger lies with the mining waste; it contains radium, which is highly radioactive. Radon gas (one of the products that occur after radium undergoes radioactive decay) can expose workers and nearby and nearby communities to an array of health risks like lung cancer, bone cancer and lymphoma. 2) The energy source for nuclear energy is Uranium, which is a scarce resource. It’s supply is estimated to last only for the next 30 to 60 years depending on the actual demand. 3) Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear waste could be preferred targets for terrorist attacks. 4) Risk of Catastrophe- Fukushima has joined Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in the vocabulary of dangerous nuclear mishaps. The explosion at Chernobyl’s nuclear plant in the Ukraine showed how nuclear energy could just as easily destroy us as it nurtures our everyday needs.  While nuclear power would allow Singapore to achieve energy self sufficiency, the risks and

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Compete in India Essay Example for Free

How to Compete in India Essay 1. The political environment in India has proven to be critical to company performance for both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What specific aspects of the political environment have played key roles? Could these effects have been anticipated prior to market entry? If not, could developments in the political arena have been handled better by each company? 2. Timing of entry into the Indian market brought different results for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What benefits or disadvantages accrued as a result of earlier or later market entry? 3. The Indian market is enormous in terms of population and geography. How have the two companies responded to the sheer scale of operations in India in terms of product policies, promotional activities, pricing policies, and distribution arrangements? 4. â€Å"Global localization† (glocalization) is a policy that both companies have implemented successfully. Give examples for each company from the case. 5. How can Pepsi and Coke confront the issues of water use in the manufacture of their products? How can they defuse further boycotts or demonstrations against their products? How effective are activist groups like the one that launched the campaign in California? Should Coke address the group directly or just let the furor subside? 6. Which of the two companies do you think has better long term prospects for success in India? 7. What lessons can each company draw from its Indian experience as it contemplates entry into other Big Emerging Markets? 8. Comment on the decision of both Pepsi and Coke to enter the bottled water market instead of continuing to focus on their core products—carbonated beverages and cola-based drinks in particular.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impacts Of Cruise Tourism

Impacts Of Cruise Tourism This business report addresses the impacts of cruise tourism offered by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. on the environment and its related issues. It aims to attend the necessity of Ecotourism as a sustainable business for the company. Although Royal Caribbean (the worlds second largest cruise with 23.8% of worlds market share) has contributed positively to regional growth by diversification, creating job opportunity, earning foreign reserves but it has diverse issues related to economic, socio cultural and the environment. However the main focus will be on environment which is strongly affected by the increase in cruise lines and there is a need to protect the ecosystem. The issues of cruise tourism pertaining to the environment arises because of three important reasons; lack of proper waste management, selection of improper tourists destinations, and lastly because cruises doesnt restrict to the number of visitor carrying capacity of the tourism destinations, resulting in site congestion, gathering of wastes, deterioration of archaeological and historical sites. Tourist destinations should be national parks, flora and fauna instead of fragile destinations. Due to ocean pollution the company has to pay penalty which raises its expenses, incur losses and also social impact. Even if cruise tourism is the fastest growing business of the travel industry however if the growth is not planned properly it may cause economic, environment and socio-cultural impacts on tourist destinations. Thus, the need for responsible tourism is highly recommended for the sustainability of the business, which can be achieved by ecotourism. Ecotourism is one form of tourism, which addresses the negative impacts associated with mass tourism through the implementation of sustainable practices. Its impacts and benefits are critically analysed and it was recommended for the company to implement it. Necessity of Ecotourism as a sustainable measure for Royal Caribbean 1. Introduction Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is the worlds second largest cruise company founded in 1969 and it. The company is responsible for giving a new dimension to the cruise industry transforming a simple ocean carrier service into a mega vacation option. It sails in more than 160 destinations with a variety of travel options. The two brands are Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises. It operates globally, however majority of its passengers are from North America. Main competitors are Carnival Corporation, NCL Corporation, and Star Cruises Ltd. (Royal Caribbean International, n.d.) The main objective of this report is to identify the issues, analyze the impacts of the issue on the sustainability, recommend a solution to fix the issue, find out its benefit, and its implementation by the company making it a sustainable business. The issues and challenges faced by Royal Caribbean cruises in terms of social, economical and environmental factors are discussed in this report. The problem that was identified with the cruise tourism of RCCL was the improper waste management which lead to ocean pollution thus affecting the marine as well as terrestrial environment. The poisonous oil leakage from the vessels killed people and also had harmful effects causing deadly diseases. This impacted the environment as well as society. The economy of the company was negatively impacted because Royal Caribbean had to pay heavy penalty for polluting the environment. This raises the issue of sustainability because for the companys long term business, it is essential to have a balance between these three factors. Ecotourism is suggested as a tool for sustainability. However it is important to critically analyze the potential of ecotourism as a strategy for development, evaluate the impacts and benefits of ecotourism, and the ways t o improve ecotourism practices and policies for Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. 2. Issues With the increase in popularity of leisure tourism, the company focuses on providing adventure, relaxation and entertainment to passengers from across the globe and tourist destinations as a part of the cruise package deals. However it is also necessary to maintain the glory of such destinations as it is linked to the environmental performance and the future of tourism also depends on it. Marine life should be protected which is the base of shipping industry. Cruises generate a high volume of wastes, pollutants into the water body which affects the marine environment. Royal Caribbean was found guilty of illegal waste-handling by disposing the toxic waste into the Alaskas Inland Passage waters thereby polluting the marine environment and for which it has to pay a fine of $18 M. But the company was convicted by the U.S Federal for 11 times in charge of ocean pollution. The $9M and $18M fines each were the highest record set for the largest pollution penalty for a cruise-ship company (F ishman, 2000). These pollution scandals not only increased the expenses but also affected the companys gracious public image. The socio- cultural issue in Haiti has also put Royal Caribbean under a heavy media fire. The company brings the vacationers to a private resort maintained by it in Labadee, Haiti, which is 60 miles away from the earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince (Bennett, 2010). Ms. Martinez, Manager Corporate Communications said, the company is very sensitive to the idea of delivering a vacation experience so close to the epicentre of the earthquake, but given the financial and social challenges the country is now facing, it needs the positive economic benefits Royal Caribbeans cruises provide. Despite Royal Caribbeans help to the Haiti relief effort, $1 M donation as relief fund, the company is charged for bringing cruisers to this place. It is criticized saying that the cruise line should never have tried to mix its commerce and humanitarian efforts in telling its side of the story (Bush, 2010). In a nutshell, the main issue figured out was cruise tourism which had the serious problems like lack of provision for waste disposal leading to environment and economic crisis, destination selection raising social issues. We will further analyse the effects of cruise tourism in this report. Impacts of Cruise Tourism on the Environment The cruise tourism is likely to have effects on various aspects of the maritime and terrestrial environments. There is always a high possibility of oil spills by the ships in the sea which is very difficult to clean up in the cold remote locations. The impact of vessel activity in the breeding ground and feeding areas of marine mammals risks the wild life and is an area of concern. Whereas the terrestrial environment is affected by the numerous passengers who often make shore visit to places of natural and historical interests as a part of their cruise holiday package, either by speed boats, zodiac or helicopters thereby creating noise pollution and destroying the archaeological sites. Another potential threat is there to the flora and fauna of the place because these species have low tolerance capacity which leads to the destruction of the ecosystem. Not only this, there is a social and cultural disruption among indigenous people whose communities play host to cruise visitors on an increasingly regular basis. While cruise tourism has the potential to disrupt local communities it also has the capacity to enrich them. It can contribute positively to the economies of remote communities and also can be viewed as an environmentally sustainable option. Aspects of global environmental change with relevance to cruise tourism The effects are on three sectors: Infrastructure, Access, and Attractions. Cruise tourism increases the open water which leads to storm surges and shoreline erosions. This creates structural damage and raises construction and engineering problems. An effect on Access is because of declination in sea-ice extent causing extended shipping season and melting of glaciers also causes iceberg hazards. Effect on the attractions is because environmental changes alter local activity possibilities, changes scenic values locally and variations in ecosystem lead to alterations in distribution and abundance of existing animal species (Gissling Hall, 2005, p. 44). 3. Recommendations Royal Caribbean should adapt Ecotourism business to address the sustainability dimensions which will provide a diversity of economic benefits to the company, environment and the community. The benefits of implementing this sustainability practice will reduce operating costs, protect the brand image, provide credible marketing advantage, increase client base, and improve the business efficiency. It is recommended for Royal Caribbean to discourage mass tourism because travelling in small groups helps to conserve energy and the waste needs of passengers are managed in a better way, thereby having low impact on the environment (Paul F. J. Eagles, 2002, p. 20). The travellers should be educated on practices respectful to the local environment and the benefits of small-group responsible tourism. So limit in cruisers number will help to protect the local tourism infrastructure for future generations. Cruise destination should be selected wisely because travel to unspoiled virgin areas is harmful and may damage areas of the environment that are exceedingly rare and fragile. It should sail to nature based places like national parks, areas of conservations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle should be the strategy for waste management. It should recycle all materials like glass, plastic, paper etc. Water bottles can be reused; special processing of wastes such as toner cartridges, wooden pallets and cooking oil should be done by approved shore side vendors. The outstanding garbage can be reused in some countries as road fill, or can be treated as special waste for further processing or disposed of in a landfill. The unconsumed foodstuffs by the guests can be sent to the crew galleys; remaining food scraps can be treated inside the vacuum system of the ship and can be discharged to the sea. Similarly water waste is filtered and purified into potable water. Tour can contribute financially toward the local economy and nature conservation (WTO UNEP, 2005, pp. 9-10). It should contact the local guides, local activity providers for the travel guide to the local places; the cruisers can purchase from the local buyers thereby promoting the local business, visit the national parks. Support the integrity of local cultures by integrating tours within the cultural fabric of the sites. The passengers should be encouraged to stay in local hotels, visit places, and participate in activities that foster meaningful interactions with them. It helps in providing employment, encourages cultural exchange and strengthening of intercultural understanding and tolerance for both guests and hosts. Ecotourism Martha Honey defines as Travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strive to be low impact and (usually) small scale. It helps educate the traveller, provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights. (Honey, 1999, p. 25) Advantages of Ecotourism It can help in protecting the ecosystems, preserving natural areas and increase the tourism. Increase the awareness on environment; educate people about the consequences of exploiting natural resources. Help in providing employment to the local and regional people, e.g. selling of handicrafts, local food items etc.; this also creates some entrepreneurial skills (Leader-Williams, Hashimova, Guliyeva, 2004, p. 45). Increases foreign reserves of the region, enhances economic growth. Raises the warmth to multitude countrys political, environmental and social climate Cultivate a feeling of pride and community through a revival or safeguarding of customary beliefs, practices and enriching techniques. Untouched destinations and natural activities may become a craze for tourists creating scope for ecotourism. Diversifying the tourism package into interesting events such as halt in country boats, trail walks etc. will help retaining the revenue generated with the local people and promote local economy. Figure 1: Sustainable Development Triangle (World Conservation Union, 2003) Utilizing the above figure of sustainable development triangle we can say that ecotourism puts a balance between these three sides i.e. economy, environment, and the society. For the long term development of a company it is necessary to be sustainable; Ecotourism will bring future and current benefits as well as work as a form of sustainable development. SWOT Analysis of Ecotourism can be referred in the Appendix attached at the last. 4. Implementation The company should get the new criteria for selecting destinations in a cruise ship port of call from the tourism council. It should follow the guidelines on ecotourism destinations set by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. After that a third party verification of its land excursions adhering to Global Sustainable Tourism Council-recognized standard by 2015 should be done. Once final GSTC Criteria for Destinations are in place, they will provide another standard by which Royal Caribbean can judge ports of call. (Wilkinson, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, 2012) Timeline: An approval from the CEO has to be obtained and then the company should follow GSTC for obtaining the criteria. This process of implementation will take around 3 years which is the timeline. Instead of activities like snorkelling, scuba diving etc. which has impact on the marine life there can be other attractions like visiting conservation area, Plantation house, lush forest trekking, catamaran ride to beaches where the guests can have beach barbeque. Maintaining the quality of these experiences means integrating the guidelines of sustainability, with the help of a GSTC consultant. Timeline: There should be an approval received from the strategic planning department and It can be implemented within 6 months from now. There should be proper waste disposal system in the cruises. Modern equipment like exhaust gas scrubbers should installed on smokestacks, superior wastewater purification should be on the vessels. RCCL can implement these systems on the newer ships as a measure to treat all kind of wastes like solid waste, water waste and air waste. It can also have highly developed systems like reverse Osmosis system that uses only 35 percent of the electricity consumed as compared to older units for converting sea water into drinkable ship water. Timeline: Approval from the corporate governance department should be obtained and this can be implemented within 6 months from now. In order to preserve the environment from dumping things overboard RCCL can initiate programs for educating the cruisers, travellers, crews for recycling all the wastes like aluminium canes, water bottles, food stuffs etc. It can also purchase more than one million pounds of recycled products each year. An approval from the CEO can be obtained for immediately implementing the plan and the sanction for purchasing recycled products can also be got from finance department. Timeline: This can be implemented within 2 month. 5. Conclusion Ecotourism is a win-win solution for destinations where the conservation efforts for the environment are also associated with the livelihood opportunities of the local people. For ecotourism to be effective in its true sense there is a need to develop a proper ecotourism package which should be different from the existing mass tourism packages. Royal Caribbeans plan to implement Ecotourism as a sustainability measure is indeed a commendable decision. The companys initiative to sponsor programs such as setting new criteria for selecting holiday destinations, running programs like Save the Waves with mission as reduce, reuse, recycle will certainly help it for a long term development and overcome the challenges to sustain its business. Although RCCLs investment will be more on these sustainable measures but it will not have a negative impact on the environment, social image and the economy as well because there will be no threat for hefty fines for creating pollution.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hate Crimes in Canada Essay -- Racial Relations, Minority Victimizatio

According to Petrosino (2003: 10) hate crimes can be defined as "..the victimisation of minorities due to their racial or ethnic identity by members of the majority. " (p. 4) Hate crimes are also known as bias-motivated crimes because the crimes are motivated by a bias towards a person or persons including but not limited to those of a different gender, ethnic background, religion, or sexual orientation. Hate crimes are quite serious and have severe and long lasting-effects for the targeted victims. Due to the severe nature of the crimes many countries have strict laws in place to punish offenders. Hate crime is not widely discussed in Canadian society because it has not been a prominent issue until now. â€Å"..The extent of the problem in Canada was limited to a small number of persons, such activity could create a climate of malice and destructiveness to the values of our society (Cohen Report, 1966:24). As a result of the committee’s efforts, Parliament amended the Crimin al Code in 1970, thus rendering hate propaganda as a punishable offence (Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986:7) There are several reasons why offenders commit hate crimes, they vary from case to case, however, one key element is fear which is caused by ignorance. The offenders fear the unknown and the competition they feel that exists, them vs. the ‘others’. When fear is accompanied by other factors it could potentially lead to a violent crime. â€Å"The Desmond 2 economic or social success some minorities have attained may result in increased feelings of resentment by members of the larger population. As Levin & McDevitt (1993:48) argue, resentment can be found to some extent in the personality of most hate crime offenders. It may be directed toward a part... ..., or might serve as an entire defence.† and aggravating circumstance is defined as â€Å"Circumstances that make a crime more serious in the eyes if others; in hate crime, for example, racism makes an assault more serious, resulting in a harsher sentence.† (McCormick. Siegel, 2007, p.114) Involvement of organized hate groups or their members, absence of motive and existing patterns of similar incidents in a particular area are signs that a bias-motivated crime may have occurred, this warrants further investigation. Often times the individuals are unaware that they are victims of a hate crime. It is not uncommon to have victims and offenders be a part of the same gender, race, sexuality or religion, it is not always about the common differences but the perpetrator's perception of ‘difference’.

Fast Break Essay -- essays research papers

Fast Break   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most exciting play in basketball is the fast break. This poem outlines every detail of the fast break and does a great job using the words to create a fantastic visual for the reader. The title of the poem, â€Å"Fast Break,† is actually what the whole poem is describing. The visual that is created is one of the reasons this poem is so appealing. My love for the game of basketball, more specifically at the collegiate level is another reason why this poem catches my attention. The author, Edward Hirsch, is probably the speaker and also a coach or fan of the team that is playing. I would say that he was a player, but all five players of the team are outlined in the poem and it’s not written in the third person. The author might also be mistaken as the head coach of the team; however the poem is in memory of the late Dennis Turner, whom I believe to be the Head Coach. A fast break lasts approximately five seconds on the court and the poem outlines e very motion of both the offense and defense. The author puts the fast break in slow motion for the reader so that they can understand and re-live the play in their imagination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each stanza of the poem explains each step of how a fast break is preformed. The first three stanzas begin the fast break which usually starts off from a missed shot by the other team and a defensive rebound. The tall and thin center grabs the rebound and recognizes to immediately get the ba...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Skilled Labor Scarcity Essay -- Human Resource Management

Article Summary Skill shortage is a genuine lack of adequately skilled individuals available in the accessible labor market with the type of skill being sought and which leads to a difficulty in recruitment. A recent article by Ben Casselman in the Wall Street Journal highlighted the difficulties recruiters and employers (specifically manufacturers) facing are moderate to severe shortage of skilled labors to fill their well-paying positions that requires specialized skills. The shortages (due to weak labor market) are being felt in what have been heavy-duty blue-collar jobs in manufacturing and other industries that somewhat do not require a college degree. The demand for skilled workers has a significant negative impact on the manufacturing firms and the skills gap can thus lead to a ripple effect. Skills gap is used to describe the qualitative mismatch between the supply or availability of human resources and the requirements of the labor market. Skills gap exists where employers feel that their existing workforce have inadequate skill type or skill level to meet their business objectives; or where new entrants to the labor market are apparently trained and qualified for occupations but still lack a variety of the specific skills required. The shortage also affects the less-skilled workers who lose out on spin-off jobs to support the increased production. Because of skills shortages, employers are lowering their expectations when recruiting people and cutting back on capacity and quality level. The skilled worker gap is developing at large due to the significant decline in the manufacturing sector (aspects of globalization and off-shoring) that appear less stable and attractive now as large number of workers approach retireme... ...rker employed). And, businesses may decide to increase production by making greater use of capital inputs such as extra units of machinery. A growing economy creates jobs for people entering the labor market for the first time; and it provides employment opportunities for people unemployed and looking for work.† Article Source: â€Å"Help Wanted: In Unexpected Twist, Some Skilled Jobs Go Begging,† by Ben Casselman, The Wall Street Journal, Column A1, November 26, 2011. Frederic S. Mishkin. Macroeconomics Policy and Practice. Pearson Education, Inc., Addison-Wesley 2012. Ronald G. Ehrenberg and Robert S. Smith. Modern Labor Economics Theory and Public Policy. Eleventh Edition. Pearson Education, Inc., Prentice Hall 2012.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Principles of Economics Essay

Lets first start with a question that although is trivial, but will help us understand the answer to this question, a little better. What is economic growth? Economic growth is the increase in the inflow of money within the economy. In other words, it is also the increase in the government’s holding of money. Now, there are a lot of ways an economy can be boosted in order to make the country more efficient. Some people mistake the growth and the stimulation of the economy as the increase in taxes. It is not incorrect to say that the increase in the government’s revenue is highly based on the increase in the tax rate through out the country. This increase in the tax rate is not only on the products of the government-based organizations or factories, but even the private investors and the citizen-owned company’s products have to undergo the same tax rate. This increase in tax-rate, no doubt increases the government tax revenue, making them more capable of spending and investing more on the country’s infrastructure and to work on the areas that might boost the economy. But there is something very important that happens while they are at the point of increasing the tax rates. They overlook the fact that the increase in the tax rate reduces the consumer investments. This reduction in the consumer investments decreases the demand of the products. By this I mean that their purchasing power is decreased, not directly, that is their salary is not decreased, but the prices are increased due to the increase in the tax rates. This reduction in the consumer demand then allows the economic growth to go in the negative direction. This is just one approach that most people have about the economy. Some people mistake the economic growth’s key factor to be consumption. Well, they are highly incorrect. The economic growth of any country is not dependent upon how many products and goods have been consumed in the market. But, instead it is dependent on the production of those goods and services. It is the production that helps the economic growth. The manufacturing of the cars on the streets is not something made by nature and given to us to use. Instead it is the workings of both, the businesses and the individuals that is the production and then the consumption of the manufactured cars to make the transportation system of the country more efficient. Hence, by this we can conclude that, the economic growth of a country is not the consumption, but the result of the production that increases the consumption of the goods in the economy, thereby increasing the demand of the products and hence, boosting the economy. This misperception that has been described above is what is wrong in the economy. The Bush administration focuses more on the consumption landing it in spending deficit of over $ 100 billion. Although this can be looked over from a different perspective, for example, we talk about an unemployed man who spends and buys his household necessities by using credit cards. This does not allow the spending to increase, because the consumers are using their credit cards and not a liquid asset (money). The Bush administration as mentioned above focuses more on the consumption and not the spending, this in turn reduces the budget that is allocated for the production, if the government is interested more in how much is consumed in the market. Although this is the wrong approach, but is still being followed in the country. The production has been slowed and so has the consumption in the economy. Until and unless there is not enough production, there is no way that the consumption can increase. Sacks, 2001) Well, just like any other problem, there is a solution to this problem too. The government does not restrict the production directly by stopping the factories to produce more, instead, the raise in the taxes increases the prices of the raw materials, hence increases the prices of the raw materials, increases the prices of the goods. The then increased pric es of the goods reduces the purchasing power of the consumers, thereby reducing consumption. The increase in taxes is one way of how the production is reduced. The government needs to decrease the number of restrictions on the private / public owned organizations and liberate them. (Giplin, 1987) The private sectors not only have to go through these restrictions what to produce when, but they also have a lot of trade restrictions. For example, if a computer Software Company in a state in USA wants Indian programmers to help them out to design new software, they can not get them. The law restricts them to get people from abroad to help them out. The above mentioned are just few problems and misperceptions of the people of as to what really is economic growth. Also mentioned above are the things that hinder economic growth. Now, we will be talking about how the economy can be boosted. Following are just few ways of what the government can do to stimulate the economy. We will then be discussing what the individuals can do as citizens to help in the growth of the economy. There are a lot of things that the government can do to make the economic growth faster. But in every idea that will be laid down, we have to keep in mind that this is not a perfect world and we can not expect everything to work out in reality, the way we want it to. There is always a room for improvement. One of the options to boost the economy is to create more jobs. More people being employed would mean more production and more production allows the consumption to increase and ultimately the demand for consumer goods would also increase. The aggregate demand for goods when increased boosts the economy. It is an entire circle that goes clockwise that is boost the economy when there are more people hired and under stimulate it when there is a high unemployment rate in the country. This option can also be looked from a different perspective. A high unemployment rate of the country would mean that there are more people fired from work. This means that the people who are employed will only be the ones with good salary. This in turn means that they will be the only ones in the economy who can buy goods because their purchasing power is not affected. Now, because not a lot of people are employed, the rate at which the products were being consumed before the raise in the rate of unemployment would fall. This decrease in the rate of consumption allows the companies fire more workers in order to increase their revenues, that is, if the consumption is low, their revenues will be low and they would have to fire more people so that they do not end up in losses. Hence, the unemployment rate would be even higher. (Giplin, 1987) Hence if the government starts to spend more on the various projects and infrastructure, that is focus more on the production and not just the spending, then this would definitely allow more people to be hired and thereby reducing the rate of unemployment. These artificially produced jobs do not directly increase the consumption of the goods but increase the level of employment in the country, increases the purchasing power of the employees and make them more efficient to buy various goods and services. There is one more thing that can be done to boost the economy of the country. That is through reduction in the tax rates. This reduction in the taxes allows the increase of the purchasing power of the individuals allowing them to buy more. This increase in the consumption of the goods then helps the aggregate demand curve shift to the right that is increasing the demand of the goods and services. Let’s take an example. If the tax charges for a particular product is 80 cents and before the increase in the tax rate was 50 cents, then I am more likely to buy more of that product when the tax rate was 50 cents. This increase in the consumption would then increase the demand. Hence, boost the economy. The tax revenue which adds to the revenues of the government might not be really high if the tax rates are high, as much as if it were low. By this I mean that, when the tax rates are high, people tend to buy less of the products. This increase in the tax rate although allows a high revenue for the government, but that is the narrow outlook of this perspective. Because, if the taxes are high, the purchasing power of the people decreases and instead of maybe 5 pieces of the same product that they used to buy with lesser tax rate, they may now buy just one piece of the same product. Hence the increase in taxes might not increase the revenue as much as the decrease in the taxes would. (Sacks, 2001) While the economists are dealing with the country’s economy, as in how is the economy to be improved, there are a lot of things that they have to consider. It is not just the tax rate or just the employment rate that is to be considered. Hence, it is important to know the problem, the solution to the problem and the most important thing is the timing. When the decision that has been made is implemented is very important. Hence, by the time the decision has been made and the economists are ready to implement the new policy, the economic conditions by then would have changed dramatically. It is good to leave the economy the way it is, at times. Before we make matters even worse, we should take a break, leave the economic activities of the country alone for a while and let them be just the way they are. There is a growing inflation in the economy, and not a lot is being done to decrease the rate of inflation. The upper class people are not the ones that suffer and undergo spending money from mortgage. It is the middle class and the lower class people who have to go through all the agony to have means to earn more in order to cover up the loans they have been borrowing. Now, in this very scenario, there are two things that are to be considered. One is the interest rate and the other is the inflow of money in the wrong hands. (Richards, 2007) The inflow of money in the wrong hands means that, the rich keep on getting richer, and the poor get poorer. The rich already have jobs which allow them to own multi million dollar buildings, private jets, an 1890 model cars and a lot more. And with their current employment, they do not spend that money, it goes in their bank accounts not in their pockets to spend. The government should be more careful in where their money goes. Because if the upper class gets it, it is highly certain that they will not be spending it, rather saving it. This entire problem of not spending will decrease the consumption of goods that are being produced. Where as, if the money that goes in the hands of the middle and the lower class people will be spent as soon as they get it. This is because they are the ones who are suffering from the increase in inflation. They are the ones who are not able to pay the bills, their children’s school fee, transportation expenses etc. Hence money in their hands would be spent pretty quickly. (Cohn, 2007) Every time the economy slows down the middle class and the lower class people are the ones that are affected by it. The reduction in the economic growth of the country is usually followed by a rise in the unemployment rate. The middle class workers are the ones that are fired first and they are rehired after everyone else has been hired. And they are the ones that mostly undergo all the problems faced by people in the time of poverty. (Levine, 1982) The second problem is of the interest rates. The government has to lower the interest rates so that the individuals are more capable of investing and consuming more. With higher interest rates in the market the people can not invest in the infrastructure, the increase in the interest rates contributes to the increase in the prices of the infrastructure that is for sale. The decrease in the investment by the individuals would in turn reduce the demand for the available land and the buildings etc. (Richards, 2007) Apart from all this, it is highly important for the government to reduce the costs of housing in the country. If the costs are reduced, they will be better off and will be able to afford things that they could not earlier. Not only this, but the government should spend more on infrastructure and build more houses. This would create more jobs and would allow people to buy more affordable houses. Earlier, we discussed the rising rate of inflation and how it affects the lower and the middle class workers. There is one more thing that the government needs to work on considering the ever-growing inflation rate of the country. The minimum wage rate of the people through out the country should be increased. This was the plan of the Bush administration before the attack of the September 9, 2000. It was to be implemented, but then the attack on the world trade centre took place and the economic growth was decreased dramatically. Hence, the increase in the minimum wage rate never took place. This increase in the wages will ultimately allow people to buy more by having their purchasing power increased. (Levine, 1982) One of the key factors that help stimulate the economy is a highly educated workforce. This workforce will help boost the economy in several ways. The wages of the people will be higher once they are highly educated and this will in turn help the economy to stimulate itself. Apart from this, the government should invest more in the capital in the country. This will allow the government to employ more workers and will ultimately increase the demand for various consumer goods, thereby stimulating the economy. It is very important for a country to have a proper and a strong infrastructure; this certainly helps the government to boost the economy. This strong infrastructure can not be obtained in a day’s work; it takes a lot of years to reach a position where the economy is strong enough to withstand the problems that the government faces during recession if there is any in the future. The individuals can and will do what ever they can in order to make their country better off but the country is nothing without proper law enforcement forces that will make sure that they are on the right track. Not only that, but the government will have to make sure that the promised contracts by the individuals are being materialized. The government should offer people different saving accounts which will push the people to save more. This will help them learn the importance of saving. A lot of people in the country are known for living large. This term is used for them only because they spend their salaries as soon as they get them. Now, this expenditure of their salaries that they do as soon as it enters their bank accounts is not a think that they should be proud of. But if the government advertise their saving accounts more then there is a high possibility that the people will save and put their money in those bank accounts. The reason this is emphasized is that if the people are unemployed, they would not have to borrow a lot and then be in debt for years, with the debt’s interest increasing every year. Well, first of all the government will be sure of the fact that not a lot of money will be on loaned if there is a high unemployment rate, and even if it is, they will be sure that the money is returned, because not a lot of it would have been borrowed in the first place. The people will take out money first from their saving’s account. With an appropriate interest return rate of the saving’s accounts it will be even easier for the people to save a little every month without second guessing themselves that the money they are investing will not be in vain, and will help them in the future. It is very important for the government to allow an open market economy. This open market economy would then allow trade of goods and services from around the globe without any hindrances. Likewise it would not only boost the morale of the employees to work harder to produce more goods and services but also provide them with higher wages. This higher wage will be a result of the increase in trade which indirectly means increase in consumption of the goods and services. This increase in consumption will allow the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right that is, the demand for the consumer goods will increase. (Sacks, 2001) There is one more thing which is very important for a country to boost its economy, to make the most of what it has and to be efficient. Timing is the most important factor of all. To produce the right amount of goods at the appropriate time is highly essential. This efficiency can be obtained with the increase in the technological advancements taking place in the country. The technological advancements of the country would not only make the production of goods time-efficient, but the production of the goods itself will be cost effective. The term cost effective means that the products are produced with the minimum cost of the raw materials, allowing a high profit margin. This high profit margin helps various organizations to produce more, hence hire more workers, and pays them more if the sales are high. All this plays a huge role in boosting the economy. (Giplin, 1987)

Friday, August 16, 2019

Art Critique

Patricia Gelin I. DoctoleroMarch 6, 2013 E-1R Mater Dolorosa By Simon Dela Rosa Flores (Critique Paper) The artwork entitled Mater Dolorosa that is painted using oil by Simon Dela Rosa Flores on a canvas (104 x 73. 5 cm). Simon Flores is known for his religious paintings that were commissioned by wealthy families and parish churches. The date of the painting when it was created was not known. I. INTERPRETATION When I first saw the painting, I thought of a mother thinking about her son/daughter.The children behind the mother and staring at her were her guardian angels that help, comfort and guide her to pray for her son/daughter. I think that the son/daughter has been a problem to his/her mother and has been gone for a long time. As a result, she has been waiting for him/her to come back to her care and she has been grieving, longing for them to be with her. The guardian angels are staying by the side of mother to be calm and tell her trust God to do the rest for her. The painting giv es a feeling to me that are serene and sad, but full of hope and trust in God that He will help her to bring back her child. Also read this  Critique of Stuff Is Not SalvationIn a way, I can also remember my own mother in the painting that always takes care of me and is always worried whenever I am not by her side. I chose this artwork because of all, I value most my family and God. This painting gives it all to me and reflects true emotions that a mother must feel whenever she is sad, longing for her child to come back to her. Many stories can be associated with this painting. Another story that I can also relate to the painting is the mother’s child has been dead and still the mother cannot accept the fact that her child was already gone.II. RESEARCH PART (Artwork Interpretation by Artist) The interpretation of Simon Dela Rosa Flores of his artwork entitled Mater Dolorosa was really what the painting wants to tell the viewers. He said that it was his own version of grieving mother with long wavy hair against a dark blue and white tunic that symbolizes the emotions that the mother feels like sad and anxious. The hands of the mother were clasped close to her heart to reflect grief. Her facial expressions were very passive and troubled.The children that are behind the mother were cherubs that are guiding the mother in times of he sorrow. III. ELEMENTS OF ART USED The elements of art that were used by Simon dela Rosa Flores were color and value. The colors that were used, symbolized the emotions and feelings that was felt by the mother in the painting like the dark blue for sorrow and the white tunic for hope and also for faith in God. The cherub’s color depicts guidance and also light from them. Value is also used in a way that the painting has its cultural value especially for Filipinos.It is also because of the deep meaning behind the painting of the grieving mother. IV. SOCIO-HISTORICAL CONTEXT ON ART AND SOCIETY Simon dela Rosa Flores is known in his time in devoting his art to religious views, wealthy and famous people. He likes making portraits of people and most of his paintings includes use of oil in a canvas. One of his religious paintings is the Mater Dolorosa which is close to his mother and child and San Roque but instead of the child there where cherubs. Mater Dolorosa means grieving mother in Spanish.Many versions of this painting were done specially on the Spanish times. Hs painting started in the 19th century where the illustrados saw the rise of art of painting. The illustrados contracted painters to make portrait of themselves to document and for others to see their new found wealth and social status. One of the painters who are appointed is no other than Simon Flores. He painted jewelry, fashion accessories, minuet details of embroidered clothes and religious patrons. From there, he started painting religious figures and even rich families became his focus. Art Critique Patricia Gelin I. DoctoleroMarch 6, 2013 E-1R Mater Dolorosa By Simon Dela Rosa Flores (Critique Paper) The artwork entitled Mater Dolorosa that is painted using oil by Simon Dela Rosa Flores on a canvas (104 x 73. 5 cm). Simon Flores is known for his religious paintings that were commissioned by wealthy families and parish churches. The date of the painting when it was created was not known. I. INTERPRETATION When I first saw the painting, I thought of a mother thinking about her son/daughter.The children behind the mother and staring at her were her guardian angels that help, comfort and guide her to pray for her son/daughter. I think that the son/daughter has been a problem to his/her mother and has been gone for a long time. As a result, she has been waiting for him/her to come back to her care and she has been grieving, longing for them to be with her. The guardian angels are staying by the side of mother to be calm and tell her trust God to do the rest for her. The painting giv es a feeling to me that are serene and sad, but full of hope and trust in God that He will help her to bring back her child. Also read this  Critique of Stuff Is Not SalvationIn a way, I can also remember my own mother in the painting that always takes care of me and is always worried whenever I am not by her side. I chose this artwork because of all, I value most my family and God. This painting gives it all to me and reflects true emotions that a mother must feel whenever she is sad, longing for her child to come back to her. Many stories can be associated with this painting. Another story that I can also relate to the painting is the mother’s child has been dead and still the mother cannot accept the fact that her child was already gone.II. RESEARCH PART (Artwork Interpretation by Artist) The interpretation of Simon Dela Rosa Flores of his artwork entitled Mater Dolorosa was really what the painting wants to tell the viewers. He said that it was his own version of grieving mother with long wavy hair against a dark blue and white tunic that symbolizes the emotions that the mother feels like sad and anxious. The hands of the mother were clasped close to her heart to reflect grief. Her facial expressions were very passive and troubled.The children that are behind the mother were cherubs that are guiding the mother in times of he sorrow. III. ELEMENTS OF ART USED The elements of art that were used by Simon dela Rosa Flores were color and value. The colors that were used, symbolized the emotions and feelings that was felt by the mother in the painting like the dark blue for sorrow and the white tunic for hope and also for faith in God. The cherub’s color depicts guidance and also light from them. Value is also used in a way that the painting has its cultural value especially for Filipinos.It is also because of the deep meaning behind the painting of the grieving mother. IV. SOCIO-HISTORICAL CONTEXT ON ART AND SOCIETY Simon dela Rosa Flores is known in his time in devoting his art to religious views, wealthy and famous people. He likes making portraits of people and most of his paintings includes use of oil in a canvas. One of his religious paintings is the Mater Dolorosa which is close to his mother and child and San Roque but instead of the child there where cherubs. Mater Dolorosa means grieving mother in Spanish.Many versions of this painting were done specially on the Spanish times. Hs painting started in the 19th century where the illustrados saw the rise of art of painting. The illustrados contracted painters to make portrait of themselves to document and for others to see their new found wealth and social status. One of the painters who are appointed is no other than Simon Flores. He painted jewelry, fashion accessories, minuet details of embroidered clothes and religious patrons. From there, he started painting religious figures and even rich families became his focus.