Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Weekly Journal Week:______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Guide Questions (after the training/internship) 1. What specific additional skills have you learned this month? 2. Describe your experiences with regards to guests relation. II: Learning Experiences (Realization about the Training)  ¦ Is your establishment is highly recommended as an avenue of training for the incoming practicumers? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III: Evaluation: 1. How your internship/training contributed to your personal goals? Did your career goals change as a result of the training? 2.Discuss any special and or additional skills you acquired during your training that you didnt already have. IV: Appendices:  ¦ Pictures while on duty with caption & explanation  ¦ Photocopy of certificates  ¦ Performance Evaluation Form to fill out by the immediate supervisor/manager (should be properly sealed & hand carry by the practicumer after the training)  ¦ Timecard (photocopy)  ¦ Certificate of training (photocopy) F ormat of Monthly Journal (Min of 10 pages, font century gothic #12 double space, Use font 14 for the sub title soft bind) Grading System of Monthly Journal Organization of thoughts (format, style, technique)10%Content (completeness of information)20% Visual Presentation (pictures, forms)10% Analysis (critical evaluation)20% Recommendation (Feasible courses of action)20% Attitude/Punctuality 10% Neatness (presentation, cleanliness)10% 100% (Cover Page of Practicum Report) Our Lady of Fatima University College of Hospitality & Institutional Management Quezon City SUPERVISED WORK EXPERIENCED PROGRAM A Restaurant/Hotel Practicum Report At (Name and Logo of Establishment) (Address) TRAINING PERIOD: From Month, Date, Year to Month, Date, Year In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the CourseSupervised Work Experience Program For a degree in Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management Submitted By: Complete Name of Student Address, Contact Number Submitted to: Your Practic um Adviser Submitted on: Date of Submission (Century Gothis, Double spece 12) Grading System of Monthly Journal Organization (format, style, technique)10% Content (completeness of information)20% Visual Aids (pictures, forms)10% Analysis (critical evaluation)20% Recommendation (Feasible courses of action)20% Punctuality (submission is 1 month after)10% Neatness (presentation, cleanliness)10% 100%

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Robespierre – Evil or Virtuous?

Robespierre: Evil or Virtuous? â€Å"Virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is impotent† (Zizek). Maximilien Robespierre said this in a speech when people were starting to question his judgment. He believed that to be only virtuous was difficult, and without some terror added in, the world would go into turmoil as no one would follow their leader. A leader has to be strong and forceful, and sometimes even terrifying to get their point across, or to get people to follow them.Robespierre always wanted what was best for France and was willing to do anything to get it, even if that meant causing harm to the people of France. He felt that as long as the outcome of his hard work came with the results he wanted, anything he did was justified. Despite all the horror of the Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre was a virtuous man. He not only reacted to the problems in France with determination, but he created a clear program to help France in this troubled time. He also was the leader of many committees and he established many laws to further the French Revolution.Even when some of the people of France started to turn against him, he produced a program to help them, not to harm them. Robespierre always had France’s best interests at heart. He never wanted to have to use terror as a means of moving the French Revolution forwards, but he believed it had to happen for the better of France. He was a virtuous man from the beginning right up until the end and for that, he will be well remembered. In 1788, France was in turmoil and panic. France was going bankrupt and King Louis had to deal with disaster after disaster. The coldest winter in the history of France in seventy-nine years fell upon the nation.The price of bread almost doubled, the peasantry began to starve, and famine threatened whole sections of the population. By the end of 1788, Louis XVI received over eight hundred petitions demanding that the Commons, the Th ird Estate, have as many votes as the clergy and nobility combined in the Estates-General (Blumberg 291). By late November, King Louis became desperate and issued a proclamation convening the Estates-General for the following May, showing that already he was losing power over his people. Robespierre was elected as one of the twenty-four representatives of the Third Estate for Arras.He came in with a calm determination to fix everything and began to make his mark in history. As soon as the summoning of the Estates-General was proclaimed, Robespierre conceived the idea of seeking election. Unlike others who claimed to speak to the whole of France, he thought it better to deal with local matters, thus providing the people with issues of more immediate interest. Robespierre believed that the Estates were not representative since they were â€Å"constituted of a league of a few citizens who had seized power which belongs only to the people† (Matrat 43).He thought that the First Es tate held their seats only by virtue of their rank, and not by election and did not believe that this was fair. â€Å"By what right have they excluded the cures, the class that is without contradiction the most numerous; the most useful of this body; the most valuable because of the close relationship which binds it to the needs and interests of the people† (Matrat 43)? Robespierre went on to consider the composition of the Second Estate and found it no more representative. As for the Third Estate, he stressed that they represented neither the townspeople nor the country folk.Robespierre also protested strongly against forced labour among the farmers of Hainaut, which brought him the favour of these people as well as respect from many others. Robespierre was also in the National Assembly and was trying his hardest to restore the rights of man to his country. During these years, he earned a reputation for integrity and developed eloquence in his speeches that drew increasing a ttention from the Assembly. Robespierre proposed the self-denying law which made all the delegates to the first Assembly of 1789 ineligible for the second in 1791 and he also argued that liberty could not be spread by force.The Royal Family of France’s attempted escape on June 20th, 1791 made many people very unhappy with the King. The mob, ever ready to exercise the uncontrolled Rights of Men, made a mock parade of the King’s Arms in the market places, and, dashing them and the figure of a crown to the ground, they trampled upon them, crying out, â€Å"Since the King has abandoned what he owed to his high situation, let us trample upon the ensigns of royalty† (Ascherson 48)! The Royal Family not only lost many of its followers through their attempted escape, but also because King Louis XVI kept making bad decisions, ones that had no benefit to France or its people.The people wanted someone who would lead them into a revolution and change France for the better, not because they wanted the power, but because they believed in France and wanted it to become a great nation. That man was Robespierre, who after the flight of the King followed the Jacobin club in its move toward republicanism. He called for universal male suffrage and the end of property qualifications for voting and office holding (Blumberg 290). Robespierre wanted to make France a republic, a government for the people and by the people, a country where everyone had the freedoms and rights they deserved.In January of 1793, Robespierre voted on whether or not he thought that King Louis should be executed for his actions. At the Convention on the trial of the King, he looked towards the judges and stated; Because you have established yourselves the judge of Louis, without the usual forms, are you less his judges? You cannot separate your quality of Judge from that of Legislator. These two qualities are indivisible. You have acknowledged the crimes of the tyrant. It is your duty to punish them. No consideration should make you hesitate respecting the punishment reserved for the greatest criminal that ever existed.I vote for the punishment of death (Ascherson 84). Robespierre led the beginning of other members of the Assembly leaders voting for the Kings death. Out of a total of seven hundred and forty-five members, three hundred and sixty-six voted for King Louis death that was carried out on January 25th, 1793 (Ascherson 86-7). After the Kings death, Robespierre stood up as the leader of France and the Jacobins and began his attempts to make France the nation he hoped it would someday become. Robespierre accomplished much, establishing many committees and laws to further the French Revolution.The Declaration of the Rights of Man proclaimed freedom, propriety, the safety of the individual, resistance to oppression, the sovereignty of the nation, the participation of all citizens in the drawing up of laws, and the admission of all to situations and honours, wi th no other distinction than that of their virtues and their talents (Kreis). Robespierre believed in the Declaration and was against the establishment of any censorship. There ought to be no compromise in the matter. The freedom of the press ought to be established without any reservation.Free men cannot set out their rights in equivocal terms. Freedom of the press is the corollary of freedom of speech. In a free state each citizen is a guardian of freedom, who must shout at the smallest rumour, and at the least sight of any danger which threatens it (Matrat 67). Robespierre argued his beliefs and his dreams not only for himself, but for those people who did not have a voice. He argued for the people of France. Through newspapers and word of mouth, Robespierre became known as one of the most diligent defenders of the people.He made many speeches and put forth many proposals in the National Assembly that spoke on the changes he wanted to make in France. One such proposal was to crea te a tribunal made up of members of the Assembly who would be concerned with â€Å"plots and conspiracies against the people and freedom† (Matrat 79). Then the people, certain of the punishment of its enemies, would feel reassured and would calm down. When Robespierre was elected as the president of the Jacobins in March of 1790 he reacted with determination and a clear program.The nation had to mobilize all its resources for the war against Austria, draft every available man, ration food fix prices and wages, weed out opposition at home, punish slackers, speculators, and food hoarders, and suspend due process of law to accelerate the arrests of counterrevolutionaries (Blumberg 291). In April on 1793, the Committee of Public Safety replaced the Committee for General Defence with nine members. The Committee of Public Safety formed to keep chaos from reigning over France as counter-revolutionaries rebelled against the new French government.Soon after the Committee was establish ed, the Convention elected Robespierre to the Committee. Robespierre wanted to rally the masses to Jacobin doctrines and so he set up three laws to give them substantial advantages. One law set up the sale of the possessions of emigres in small lots, with a period of ten years for payment to be made. This made it possible for the less wealthy peasants to buy land (Duhaime). Another law provided for the subdivision of communal property in equal portions and the third law abolished hierarchy rights and dues founded on ancient charters.Finally, to cushion the effect of rising prices there was a general increase in the salaries of civil servants (Matrat 204). As Robespierre’s reign went on more and more people started attacking him, believing that he was working against the Revolution. Robespierre heard the people whispering about him when they thought he was not listening, but he was listening all the time. In a speech, he announced to everybody that he knew people where against them, but he wanted them to say it to his face. One man then spoke up against him and accused him.Robespierre looked at the man calmly and did not criticize him, but thanked him. â€Å"Citizen, you had the courage to accuse me of wanting to be my country’s enemy, in the face of the people’s representatives, in this very place where I defended their rights. I thank you. I recognize in this deed the citizenship that characterizes the famous city that has sent you† (Matrat 175). Robespierre wanted to give the people a chance to speak their mind, but he always defended himself against the crimes that they claimed he did.When being accused of â€Å"having ceaselessly slandered the purest patriots† (Matrat 178), Robespierre came back with a speech that was calm and precise, one that made a strong impression and won him back some of the people of France. While in the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre continued to prove to the people that he was indeed on their side. He knew that there were some who criticized the committee for its military policy, but also knew that they could only do so with the intention of embarrassing the government.I realize that there is a scheme for paralyzing the Committee of Public Safety, by seeming to help it in its work, and that people are trying to vilify the executive power so that they can say that there is no longer an authority in France capable of holding the reins of government. The fact is that they want our places. Well, let them take them! I would like to see them, night and day, probing the wounds of the state, and spending their lives in finding a remedy for them. Do they want to extenuate out labours, or do they want to lead us to counter-revolution by betraying patriots in the hearts of the people (Matrat 223)?As always, Robespierre had captivated the crowd and won their applause. He proved that the job he was doing was hard, and that if others wanted to take over, they would not be able t oo. They would only lead to the downfall of France. The war against Austria was over in the spring of 1794 and the French armies began to come home. Robespierre continued to murder those he thought were against him and France but the people no longer understood his actions. Up to a certain point the Terror had been justified by reverses in the war, but France was now victorious.Robespierre was being called a tyrant for his murderous ways but he had a different view on the matter. â€Å"They call me tyrant. If I were, they would grovel at my feet, I would gorge them with gold, I would give them the right to commit any crime† (Matrat 267). Even with the people of France turning against him and calling him a tyrant, he continued to do his best to help them. Robespierre set up a program for France that included a guarantee of food for everyone at low prices, distribution of land to the poor, public education, social security for the aged, ill and injured, and a progressive income tax (Blumberg 292).Robespierre was the power and change France needed right up until the very end and no matter what the people did to him, said to him, or thought of him, he kept to his goals for France. Robespierre wanted a revolution, he wanted change and he, without a doubt brought it to France. Of all the Chiefs of the different groups which have successively reigned in the volcano of the French Revolution, Robespierre was the man whose Government promised to be the most durable; because he had the character of being the most incorruptible, and of being the man who had shown the least variation in his conduct (Ascherson 115).Despite all the horror of the Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre was a virtuous man. When France was in turmoil and panic Robespierre came in to fix everything and helped move France forward and push the Revolution onwards. He was a leader in the Committee of Public Safety and created laws all to try and help France. Even when people started to turn o n him, he put forth a program to try and aid them. He cared about the people of France, and even France itself as a whole. Robespierre wanted France to change and develop into the country he knew it would someday be and he was willing to do anything to achieve this goal.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of HP Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of HP Inc - Case Study Example Its future growth is expected to come from BRIC countries -Brazil, Russia, India, and China which are already contributing about 33% of company's revenue. Its total costs for the year 2007 is $95 billions considered too much, though it has been already engaged in cost cutting measures. (HP Annual Report 2007, p 6) The company's future strategy should be directed towards reducing costs which is the hall mark of its annual report and it is observed that another key factor is eliminating avoidable litigations which might comprise of sizeable percentage of its costs. Unless these issues are addressed as a 'change management' strategy, results i.e cost cutting will be difficult to achieve. The tool at hand is Nadler-Tushman Model (1980) to diagnose the organizational behavior at HP Inc (Nadler & Tushman, 1980) Change implementation is a complex process affecting the human and organizational behavior for which Nadler-Tushman Model will be useful as a road map. The model will show the fit of elements with one another in a system. The fit process is what is known as congruence by which the model is known. Nadler and Tushman (1980) have said that the model helps identifies areas to be focused to improve performance, in this case, cost cutting, for which change in the organizational behavior is a must. ... The resources, information and feedback from the environment will make it conducive for the HP inc to implement change management for cost cutting and avoiding litigation. The key environmental elements serve as inputs which are responsible for influencing costs for the organization. They are regulations, market fluctuations, suppliers of raw materials & other inputs, rival firms in the market and others. Besides, funds, know-how and data are resources as one of the inputs apart from environmental elements. Past experience as history also serves as one of the inputs. The model says that inputs undergoing transformational process should result in achievement of effecting change for ultimate goal of cost reduction in various spheres and eliminating avoidable litigation as outputs. The relationship between inputs and outputs along with transformation process are shown in the figure 1 below. Figure 1 above The starting point of the transformational process is the 'task' which involves use of latest know-how to eliminate wasteful process aimed at cost cutting. It will include changes in the work flow, procedures and processes. In house development of know how must accelerated so as to avoid maximum possible patent costs as well litigation costs. The solution lies how these changes are managed through people as individuals, formal and informal organizations. People would accept changes provided they do not affect them in any manner in the first place. So they recognize future events as a result of changes through what is called perceived justice which should result in fairness in work distribution, assignment and how they are achieved in the process. Further, rewards should be fairly distributed and there should be fairness in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CASE - 1 Routine and Goodwill Emails Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CASE - 1 Routine and Goodwill Emails - Essay Example It has come to our attention that most of us get distracted from the constant internet activities such as relentless email alerts, mail overloads and constant messages. Most of these actions divert attention of staff from the authentic work schedule to other minimal yet unproductive outcomes. Clearly, these disruptions not only allure you from your work, but more so impinge on your length of concentration, thereby causing unnecessary duress. In addition, such interruptions without a doubt infuriate and thus affect innovation and pleasure that you would otherwise derive from your work. This in turn negatively reflects in your yield. This predicament is taking a toll on most companies and we would like to curb its effects before we face extinction. We will therefore adopt an interruption management policy. Firstly, you are asked to configure your email applications. Adoption of systems such as outlook help sort out the mails. You can also study those who send you mails and know their t raits so as to make better judgment. Moreover, turn off any possible avenues for sound or visual alerts whenever in the office. Additionally, we have come up with specific times for checking and responding to necessary emails. This will be done after every two hours at least. However, the imperative mails must be responded to right away. In addition to this, there is need for face to face communications whenever one needs the output of a colleague within the organization. It helps you unwind and improves concentration. Additionally, through this, you will build a good rapport with your colleagues and save time as well. You can also do phone calls instead of writing emails. Furthermore, avoid as much as you can, replying to all, any message that comes in. This is because; it would interrupt those who are not directly concerned with the message in question. Restrain yourself too from replying virtually any email. Furthermore, you are to employ the automated messages system to shift at tention of your distracters. Also, renew your contacts automatically. The management would therefore like to get acknowledgement for the receipt of this document by you through email. We highly value you and anticipate a smooth transition. In case of any comments on the new policy, contact the human resource manager. Kind regards, Operations Manager Investigations by an Information Technology research company named Basex (2009) shows that basically any human being who uses the internet misses approximately two hours of their work time daily, to distractions caused by junk emails. Bigger companies lose as much as one billion dollars annually due to less productivity from members of staff instigated by overwork from emails (Ross, 2009). According to Rescue Time, a time management company (2010), an individual employee exploits instantaneous messaging seventy seven times on average every day. Definitely, it is clear that this eats into the company’s time (Jones, 2011). This is b ecause, once the effortful control of the brain is distorted, one would voluntarily desire to check the new messages as they come in. This is according to Porter (2010), who attributes this to the rise of technology obsession. The art of thinking requires concentration. Therefore, according to researchers at the University of Michigan (2010), multitasking can never be adopted for simply any activity. Reason being, 40% of the productivity would be negatively affected. It takes approximately fifteen minutes to recover from a

WITHHOLDING INFORMATION CASE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WITHHOLDING INFORMATION CASE - Research Paper Example Negotiation process entails three primary ethical systems that provide the guidance for the parties participating; for instance, the ethics of purposes, ethics of principles or the ethics of the consequences. Ethics of purposes takes in principles in relation to the Aristotles views concerning the ethics. Aristotle argued that human beings are just naturally good and, as a result, will have no obligation to work with the objectivity of realizing the positive fruits at the end of the work session (Falvo, 2011). However, the same human beings must use the positive ways and means of getting to the conclusion of the matter before them. As result, such negotiations that tend to ignore the ethics presented in this view may not, in this case, reach the positive end of the matter. In the case of the ethics of principle, the principle presents its arguments in relation to the deontological ethics of Emmanuel Kant. Kant argued that human beings are always irrational and, as a result, will strive towards doing that particular activity that is right as the society expects that from them always. In addition, the human beings under this form of ethics will only adopt the use of the rational ways of doing activities and intern realizing what they intend to achieve their objective plans. Negotiators who go for the option of this principle apply the methodologies considered to be of rational and appropriate so as to find the solution to the problem (Cohn, 2007). The case of the ethics of the consequences takes care of the analysis of the possible outcomes of the present actions. As a result, this form of ethics finds it way of use among people in the evaluation of the actions from the positive outcomes of the most concerned parties in the negotiation process (Falvo, 2011). Consequential ethics, on the other hand, does not consider the importance of the means used to reach the goals.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Administration - Research Paper Example The company endeavors to achieve this success. Guaranteeing customers 100 percent customer satisfaction. Contracting value oriented distributors so as to insure a value friendly service to our deemed customers. Constantly training our distributors to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge. Provide high quality products branded with our company logo so as to differentiate them from those of our competitors. Highlights 1.6 Objectives To open and operate a successful distribution shop in the New-York city which will employ more full time employees after the first year of operation. Achieve first year sales of $100,000 Maintain an average gross margin of 20 per cent Produce a net profit of at least 20,000 by the end of the second year of operation 1.7 Keys to success Innovative quality products Access to various manufacturers in India and China The principal owner being students will have an upper hand in distributing the products across the institutions of higher learning in the United States Fully integrated programs to help customers increase sales through creative promotions, advertising and cost marketing materials. 2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY Ones tone kitchenware is a new company located in New York and will be established on the basis of the following plan. 2.1 Company ownership One stone kitchenware is a privately owned company in total by the founders Davis Jones and Kelly Mark 2.2 Start up summary The start up expenses total $15,000 and include expenses such as advertising, equipment, IT facilities, legal health and safety regulations. Start up asset include $10,000 cash requirements $17,000 and $50,000 office furniture and starting inventory respectively. These starts up costs will be financed through a loan from...Onestone needs to create awareness to the retailer and the consumer through advertisements in newspapers made and network of salaries and common based sales representatives. Kitchenware products as an industry are a very mature industry that is a crowded with many suppliers and distributors. However many of these suppliers and distributors concentrate on electrical products hence we sell that by concentrating on efforts on non-electrical kitchen products we will acquire a sufficient market share over the next five years. Our initial start up cost will amount to x,000 of which P,000 will be used to rent operating premises purchase equipment install IT facilities, pay insurance for our shop and for the premises and for other health and safety registration. The balance will be used to create awareness to our deemed customers. The start up expenses total $15,000 and include expenses such as advertising, equipment, IT facilities, legal health and safety regulations. Start up asset include $10,000 cash requirements $17,000 and $50,000 office furniture and starting inventory respectively. One stone has identified five unique types of non-electrical kitchenware whose demand is very high in the United States and more especially among students in the institutions of high

Friday, July 26, 2019

Recreational Facilities for Ladies in Muslim Community Research Paper

Recreational Facilities for Ladies in Muslim Community - Research Paper Example But the patriarchy of a Muslim society is viewed as more of the projection of the male authority -of the society in power- than the application of the religious doctrines. Also apart from religious issues, the geo-cultural factors appear may appear to be in direct conflict with the women’s outdoor recreational activities. 12 The fact how the Muslim women as well as the dominating patriarchy perceive and permit the female recreational activities in the Barsha community was explored in a bilateral investigation paradigm. We perceived that the exploratory research of the Muslim Women’s recreational activities necessarily requires both the theoretical and field exploration of the plausibility of creating opportunities for recreational activities within the moral and customary boundary of the society. First, we attempted to explore extensively into the socio-culture features of the Community in Barsha through an intensive literature review. In this regard, a profound study about the life of women in the past, its dilemma to the community has been described on the information gathered and justified in the Literature Review. Then in order to investigate into the fact how the women in Muslim community perceive recreational activities, an investigation was led among 60 women in the field level. 12 This study primarily focuses on the needs of recreational activities for both men and women. In the second place it explores the scopes and limitations of recreational activities in Muslim women’s life. In particular, the research is: ‘the recreational facilities for ladies in Muslim communities should be encouraged or not?’ The aim of performing this study is to find out the role of recreational activities in the life of Muslim women. We have also tried to explore the perceptions of the Muslim ladies towards the existence of recreational activities and opportunities. The aim is to create the awareness regarding the recreational activities and their acceptance in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Language Is Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Language Is Culture - Essay Example In the modern world, it is a fact that languages of European origin, such as French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese, are the most dominant with people from many countries speaking them, despite their not being their native tongues. It is because of this dominance in language that western culture has also gained dominance in the globe and as a result, there has developed an erosion of other cultures and their achievements. It is through language that human beings can be able to give voice to their achievements but this has not been the case, especially in the African perspective. When I read Diop’s book, I came to the conclusion that despite the fact that modern civilization has its origins among the ancient African nations, this claim to greatness has come to be marred by the dominance of languages of European origin. As a result of the dominance of their language, people of western origin are able to give voice to the achievements of their race to the detriment of the achie vements of others. That is the reason why I have come to subscribe to the statement made by Malcolm X in his autobiography that he had, â€Å"†¦no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight† (Malcolm and Haley, 2007). I have come to find that among the biggest concerns in many countries today is the fact that their future generations are going to be so much influenced by the western culture that they will no longer place any value on their own. Among the reasons for this has been the increasing preference of the younger generations to speak western languages over their local languages; a circumstance that many individuals in these feel will have implications on their people and culture. One would argue that if the study of local languages would be made compulsory in schools, many individuals, especially in the nonwestern parts of the world

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

REPORT TASK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

REPORT TASK - Research Paper Example Furthermore, it has the capability to act as a remote control for the phone or certain cameras. As of today, the Pebble Smartwatch has over 1000 applications in its own Pebble app store. This innovative device marks a big stepping stone in today’s engineering technology. Many companies always discover new ideas and gimmicks to sell products, and also try to invent new systems that are compatible with other devices such as Bluetooth control and media servers among others. Pebble watch is a manifestation of an original and creative idea in innovation and merging of technologies. The Pebble Watch’s design is based on a concept by Eric Migicovsky. Eric, a Canadian engineer, is one of the leading inventors below 35 years today. Story behind the watch’s invention goes that Eric loves cycling. Besides that, the designer loved smart electronic devices. While cycling, his smartphone would either ring or vibrate inside his pocket, necessitating him to temporarily abort his wheeling only to check the phone. Bored with such disturbance, Eric decided to design a smart wristwatch that can be wirelessly linked to a smartphone. While in his dorm room, Eric gathered a few electronic parts and assembled a prototype that would later become one of the greatest inventions in wristwatch technology. Pebble watch is not the only island in the ocean of smartwatches. In the recent past, leading electronic companies produced wrist watches installed with GPS features that can track distance during running exercises. This shows that inventors within the watch category are interested in developing wrist watches that can do more things than just tell time. Expectedly, Pebble watch can do a myriad of activities, some of which remain inconceivably associated with a small wristwatch. As acknowledged earlier, the watch supports approximately 1000 applications from various categories including entertainment, health and education.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effective literacy instruction for english learners Essay

Effective literacy instruction for english learners - Essay Example Depending on the needs of the students, instructors can select which recommendation can be used in order to teach English in the most effective way possible. The increase of immigrants in the country also increased the number of students whose first language is not English. Thus is the increase in number of English language learners (ELL’s), or students that must also learn English, aside from learning the K-5 curricula. However, because English is the main language of instruction in schools, ELL’s lag behind in terms of their reading proficiency and in turn, their academics (US Department of Education, n.d.). This called for the Department of Education to create recommendations in order to effectively teach English to ELL’s in an effective way (Gersten, Baker, Shanahan, Linan-Thompson, Collins, & Scarcella, 2007). By the use of such recommendations it is expected that not only can ELL’s learn English properly, but also able to keep their learning pace at par to English speakers as well. Among the five recommendations listed in the guide, the most effective ways to teach English as a second language would be the combination of three: the screening for reading problems and monitoring progress; intensive small-group reading interventions; and regular peer-assisted learning opportunities. First, the importance of screening of problems at the beginning would help instructors focus on what the student needs to learn, since this would be the foundation for higher skills (US Department of Education, n.d.). Second, grouping students based on their or their language skill level would not only create a feeling of empathy for one another, but also they could learn from each other in the process. They can also build teamwork since they would be sharing tasks and working together in order to understand the language a lot better. Third, similar to the second one except grouping the students according to their ethnicity or based on similarities

Monday, July 22, 2019

Prima facie Essay Example for Free

Prima facie Essay Introduction According to the article, Rhino poaching is in no way shown as moral. The ethical issues I see are that people are ignoring the fact that this horrible act is occurring and many people who do know about it won’t do anything about it, but are able to waste time watching pointless videos. The You Tube interventions took a moral approach to help with the petition. Although some were offended, the majority signed the petition and became more aware of the world around them. Utilitarianism When studying the supreme principle of morality as utility, we must first examine the definition of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism the effort to answer the question of man ought to do. For a utilitarian, the answer is simple: Act to produce the best consequences possible for the greatest number of people possible. In this, liberty and harm are treated as an equal. The end goal is to produce a general welfare or Arthur’s collective well- being. Jeremy Bentham, one philosophical view we examined defined utilitarianism as the ethical system that judges actions to be moral to the extent they maximize happiness, producing pleasures, and preventing pains. According to Bentham, there is a possibility of good and bad consequences however; preventing suffering is what matters through pleasure and the avoidance of pain. John Stuart Mill was a follower of Benthams, and he came up with the principle of utility. He stated that â€Å"Nature has places mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters† these masters are pain and pleasure. This is an experience based principle. We learn through experience that we are governed through pleasure and pain. According to Brandt’s view on utilitarianism, if all you do is add up numbers, there still a possibility of producing an immoral outcome. Singer’s principles also exemplified this. In the article â€Å"YouTube Interventions to Save the Rhino†, Utilitarianism is exemplified in that there was a greater outcome for a greater number of people. Sure, some were offended, however in the cases that the petition was signed, the rhinos and animal activists were impacted positively. Also, the new act allowing this method of communication will help when it come t other disastrous situations. Also, the whole world was able to be impacted. This effort had a mass effect on the petition. In the end, rhinos could be saved and a great idea was introduced, even the offended learned that their time was not being used effectively and therefore had somewhat of a positive outcome. Deontology In the study of deontology, we use Kant and Foot’s philosophical views. Deontology can be considered duty-based ethics, and reason alone should be used when finding the moral duty this concerns and reason in turn will cause a respect for rationality. Kant believed that morally you should act so that the maxim of your actions can and should be considered a universal law; morally you should have respect for human dignity. In this principle one should never for any reason intentionally harm someone who is believed to be innocent. Philippa Foot expands of Kant’s principle of hypothetical imperatives in an argument. She argues the Kant contrasts acting out of respect for moral law with acting from an alterior motive. Taking this into consideration she believes is crucial to shape Kant’s moral Philosophy. All in all, morality can only involve rational beings because only rationa l beings have the capacity to reason the way things are and should be and the ability to exercise freedom. Perfect categorical duties allow for no if’s and’s or but’s. Others are not, under any circumstances, to be used just as a means to acquire morality. In summary of this moral standing and the three forms of hypothetical morality according to Foot and Kant, â€Å"If you want x, you should do y, Because you want x you should do y, and because x is in your best interest, you should do y†. For Kant the second and third principles are one in the same. The article answers the supreme moral question â€Å"Did anyone use anyone merely as a means? † The answer is simply yes. The multiple videos that were altered were used as a means to get the communication across about animal poaching. The You Tube interventions had a positive outcome however in that a mass majority was made aware of what was going on in the world and how much time the viewers were actually wasting watching the highly viewed frivolous viral videos. Deontologists would agree with the interventions campaign. They wanted people to be aware of the issue of rhino poaching and wanted a petition signed so they included a link to the petition and urged people to sign it by noting that it wouldn’t take much time. They also wanted people to be aware that the silly videos were simply a waste of time and that was noted. Deontologists would have resolved these issues in a very similar manner because no one was hurt, they were just helped. Prima Facie Duties The prima facie duties introduced by W. D. Ross, a professor from Oxford University, argued that the right and the good are properties known intuitively and these duties may conflict holding only prima facie. There are no supreme principles involved. All focal points in the argument of what makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong are taken into account when looking into prima facie duty. Prima facie is judgment based on considered opinion. The article doesn’t really exemplify prima facie duties in that the article agrees completely with the study of deontology, and Ross argues with deontology. The duty to sign the petition however did arise from the obligation to save the rhino’s from poaching. This exemplifies the opinion Ross had on duty in itself. Conclusion I thought that the approach this article took was completely effective and I agree that the awareness of rhino poaching was done morally. When others want to make you aware of things like the animal fur industry, they walk down runways with imitation blood dripping from a fur coat. This was done in a way where most were not offended, a majority of people were impacted and action was taken. The petition was signed and an increase of 400% of the signatures was reached. I think that deontology supports the article the most. The x and y principles were exemplified as Foot and Kant had demonstrated. I think that all of the principles we studied in this section can be applied to the article. The article least agrees with prima facie ideas however. There are ways to apply it which I stated earlier in this essay. So what makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong? How many are influenced, how they are influenced, and act to include intent of agent and consent of person affected by act.

Jacob Zuma Essay Example for Free

Jacob Zuma Essay But it was not easy for him to get this position. His father died at the end of World War 2. After his father death his mother took up employment as a domestic worker in Durban. He spent his childhood moving between Zululand and the suburbs of Durban and by the age 15 he took on odd jobs to supplement his mother’s income. Also he did not receive formal schooling. He learned to read and write properly in his late teens while serving as a young trade union activist. He became involved in politics at an early age and joined that African Notational congress in 1959. He became an active member of umkhonto we sizwe witch means (Spear of the nation) in 1962 following the banning of the ANC in 1960. While on his way out of the country in 1963 he was arrested with a group of 45 people recruits near zeerust by the northern west province. Convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government, he was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, which he served on Robben Island. While in prison he was given to the chance to get more of an education. After his release Jacob Zuma helped mobilize internal resistance and was instrumental in the reestablishment of ANC underground structures in the then natal province thought out 1973-1975. He left South Africa in 1975and for the next 12 years, based in Swaziland and then Mow-zum-beek dealing with thousands of young exiles who poured out south Africa in the wake of Soweto uprising. HE lived in several African countries working for ANC, where he rose rapidly to become a member of the ANC National Executive committee in 1977. He also served as the Deputy Chief Representative of the Anc in Mow-zum-beek, post he occupied until the signing of the Nkomati Accord between the Mow-zum-bican and south African government in 1984. After the signing of the Accord, he was appointed as Chief Representative of the ANC and was one of the few who remained in Mow-zum-beek to carry out the work of the organization, crossing in and out of South Africa on a number of occasions. Jacob was forced to leave Mow-zum-beek in January 1987 after considerable pressure on the Mowzumbican government. HE moved to the ANC Head of office in Lusaka Zambia where he was appointed Head of underground structures and shortly thereafter chief of intelligence department. It’s a long way for a man to come considering his childhood and never having any formal education, having been in prison for 10 year. If he can overcome those odds than anybody should be able to become president.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Swot And Pest Analysis Of Wal Mart Management Essay

Swot And Pest Analysis Of Wal Mart Management Essay INTRODUCTION This assignment is basically based on SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart, a leading biggest global retail company. Wal-Marts Sam Walton opened the first discount store in Rogers Arkansas back in 1962, and 47 years later, Wal-Mart operates 8,159 units in 17 countries. Wal-Mart employs over 2.1 million people worldwide, making them one of the largest private employers in both the US and Canada, and the largest private employer in Mexico. ² Even in the midst of a recession its estimated that Wal-Mart stores retail market share has raised markedly ³ and they are seeing sales gains for 2009. Wal-Mart has a dramatic story of success from its humble beginnings to its transformation into an industry leader; one can only wonder what the future holds for this corporate giant. One aspect of Wal-Marts structure that has given them a competitive edge is their efficiency in logistics. Beginning in the early 1970s, Wal-Mart utilized a warehouse distribution strategy facilitating bulk purchasing and streamlined distribution processes enabling them to dramatically minimize distribution costs. Today Wal-Mart has more than 147 distribution centres with the average facility serving 75-100 stores. Their truck fleet travels about 800 million miles a year and they move over 5.5 billion cases of products. A Wal-Mart distribution centre can have up to twelve miles of conveyor belts and about 500 1,000 employees. [via :] Wal-Mart has also been able to gain competitive advantage with their embracement of Technology advance. This network included voice and video communication which streamlined the companys communication and facilitated the flow of sales and inventory information to the corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas.6 During a period of slower growth in the early 21st century, Wal-Mart made substantial technology investments that were successful in gaining more inventory control and improving company performance. In addition to their technological competitive edge, Wal-Mart continues to make smart strategic decisions to exploit potential new revenue sources as they continually to expand into new markets. Wal-Mart opened the first Wal-Mart Super centre in 1988. Wal-Mart include a complete super-market, garden centre, pet shop, pharmacy, tire and lube express, optical centre, photo processing centre, and some additional smaller shops ranging from hair, nail, video, and fast-food outlets. Today there are over 2,700 supercenters in the US. By 1998 they introduced the Neighbourhood market concept which catapulted them into becoming the largest US food retailer by 2001. [via:] By 1991, Wal-Mart began its international expansion with the introduction of its first store into Mexico. Two years later they formed Wal-Mart International their rapidly growing third division. Today, Wal-Mart has a total of 3,859 international locations and operates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, the United States and the United Kingdom. Wal-Mart is now planning on expanding their operations in India and China even further. [via : The Wall Street Journal] Some innovative products and programs Wal-Mart has created have contributed to their popularity and profitability. Wal-Mart began its site to store program in 2007 which offers free shipping or delivery to a local store for purchases on their website [via : CNET] Wal-Marts signage and logo have recently evolved; in 2007 they revised their long time slogan Always Low Prices, Always with the current Save Money Live Better motto. Wal-Marts three Basic Beliefs and Values as follows are: Respect for the individual, Service to our customers, and striving for Excellence. [via :] These long-standing beliefs havent stopped them from becoming the source of some controversy and damaging press over the past decade including involvement in multiple lawsuits involving questionable business practices. There have been multiple allegations of sexual discriminatory practices and cases involving unpaid wages. To achieve a greater understanding of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., it is important to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as to what one should expect in their future performance as a company. PEST ANALYSIS The way businesses operate is influenced by the wider political, economic, social and technological environment. These are usually referred to as PEST factors PEST is an acronym for political, economic, social and technological By analysing trends and developments in their business environment, firms can spot new market opportunities and threats. Political factor: Wal-Mart is currently operates its operation worldwide. In this operation Wal-Mart need to follow certain rules and regulation of host countries. Last year 2009, international operations generated 27.2% of Wal-Marts net sales. [via : wikiinvest] They are facing big challenge from Chinese government and forced to Wal-Mart to acquire its operation with local firm. Political condition includes political instability, economic condition, currency regulation, legal and regulation constrains, intellectual property rights, tax system etc. Wal-Marts international operations have greater impact of host countries law and regulation like Indian government open door for foreign investment to operate business acquire with local firm. For Eg, currently, Wal-Mart acquired with Bharati Airtel leading Telecommunication Company and open new retail store in year 2009 and shut their operation in Germany and South Korea. Economic factor : Economic condition of host countries has greater impact on any business firm. Recently, Wal-Mart facing high inflation rate and currency devaluations. In US, Wal-Mart facing challenge of high interest rate, higher fuel and energy cost, inflation, higher level of unemployment, higher consumer debt level, unavailability of consumer credit, higher tax rates, economic slow down and other economic factor could adversely affect consume demand of the product or service offering by Wal-Mart. Social factor : Wal-Marts international operation should operates according to local culture of host countries. It includes population growth, age distribution, career attitude and emphasis on safety. Trend of host countries affect demand of Wal-Marts products and services. [via :] Technological factor : Nowadays, technology has a grater impact on any business. This factors includes ecological and environment aspects. Wal-Mart need to invest in Research Development activities, automation, technology incentives and respond the rate of technological change for remain in competitive market and No. 1 retailer. Wal-Marts spend huge amount behind continuous new advanced technology upgrade program. PEST analysis helps to examine influences macro environment and with the help of PEST analysis, firm can successful examine its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats i.e. SWOT. Wal-Marts SWOT analysis as follows : SWOT ANALYSIS The internal and external environment scanning is an important part of the strategic planning process. SWOT is acronym, standing for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A SWOT analysis enables an organisation to place itself and its products into perspective. The analysis helps to highlight the main strength and weaknesses of the organisation, together with any external opportunities and threats. SWOT Analysis Internal Analysis External Analysis Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Strengths Strengths: Marketing Aspect : Wal-Mart emphasis is on its brand image everyday low prices and good quality of products when marketing by using different channels. Wal-Mart is become superior to their competitors by using their expertise core competencies. Wal-Mart involving local communities and they are sponsoring local teams. This is a major competitive advantage Wal-Mart has over the competitors. Wal-Mart has roughly 4000 stores in US. In UK, Wal-Mart takeover Asda on 26 July 1999 for $10.8 billion, internationally it has more than 1300 stores and this number is set to grow dramatically. Wal-Mart has excellent logistic system. They create the ideal one stop shopping experience. Because of conglomeration of its wide product range customers can do one stop shopping products, the typical customer can go into any Wal-Mart and walk out without having to stop at another store for anything that they could need. Management Aspect : Wal-Marts policies and practices are designed to ensure an environment that is inclusive and equitable. Wal-Mart has 2,100,000 employees including international operation. They provide training on working with people, equal employment opportunities, leading skills, diversity and help to achieve career objectives. Wal-Mart has strong community based initiatives. Corporate structure of Wal-Mart is very well rounded and managed with core values like respect for the individual, striving for excellence and service to their customers. The management of Wal-Mart is the backbone to the entire firm and these core values have propelled them to the top of their industry. They have allowed Wal-Mart to be worlds largest company. Finance and Accounting Aspect : The company operates nearly 7,873 stores worldwide, with over 3,000 of them in international markets, where the company has grown its presence at an average annual rate of 30% between 2005 and 2009. The company focuses on offering the lowest prices across its business segments, which together earned $408 billion in revenue in 2010, a 1% increase from 2009 which is rapidly increases in revenue shows good financial position. Key Figures: (via : Operation Growth Rate of Revenue of Operating Income Sams Club 63.7% 79.6% Wal-Mart (International) 11.7% 7.4% Wal Mart (US) 24.6% 21.7% Current share price $ 53.90 Human Resource Aspect : Wal-Mart has more than 2.1 million associates or employees worldwide. They provide continuous training to their workforce to run successful business. Production and Operation Aspect : Wal-Mart has strong distribution system and its known as cross docking. They are continuous delivering goods to warehouses and to their stores within in one day. However it gives a faster response to market demands and low level of inventory. This system has allowed them to decrease its sales cost by 2 to 3 % over the industry. Research and development : Wal-Marts innovation keeps it a leading retailer in retail industry as it is regularly turning out new patents/proprietary technology. Development and innovation are high at Wal-Mart with regard to their products/services which give ultimate profit. Computer Information System : Wal-Mart uses satellite based communications for connecting all the network of stores. Wal-Mart is offering safe, secure and informative complete website where consumer can purchase products easily. Through web-site of Wal-Mart, one can find A to Z information of Wal-Mart. Weaknesses: Marketing Aspect : One of the biggest marketing weaknesses seems from Wal-Mart lobbying to expand into new market nationally and internationally. There are many areas across the US tried to block the introduction of Wal-Mart because of the economic impact like local stores, traffic and environmental problem. Wal-Mart has a damaged reputation because when they move into a new location they end up forcing for opening new stores which is unethical at all. Wal-Mart also shut down its underperforming business in South-Korea and Germany in fiscal year 2007-08. Management Aspect : There are few females in top management role and few minorities employed. Wal-Mart is lacking equality demand which is not ethical decision for Wal-Mart to be making. They are really hurting their corporate image by maintaining this position in market. There is also lack of union. Because of perception of treating employees poorly, Wal-Mart does not have any union involvement. There is biggest problem is lack of job security for associates. Finance and Accounting Aspect : Ratio Proposition Fixed Asset Turnover 8.4 % Earnings Per Share 3.35 % Average collection period 8 % As above ratio are presented weak finance condition. Fix assets turnover ratio present high investment but not being used. The EPS ratio is not good as compare to the industry. The collection ratio presents that Wal-Mart allowing their debtors to carry account with above average period of time. It increases the likelihood of non-payment. Human Resource Aspect: Wal-Mart is non-unionized firm. Wal-Mart employees commence at lower wages than unionized corporations. Wal-Mart pays low wages to their employees which affect their standard of living. Wal-Mart is presently involved in class action suit behalf of formal and current female employees across its US retails and warehouses. These employees totalling to 1.6 million alleged that the company showed gender discrimination at the time of pay, promotion, training and job assignment. This is one of the biggest gender discrimination cases in the US. Production and operation Aspect : Since Wal-Mart sell products across many sectors, it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors. Research and Development Aspect : Wal-Mart is not actively engaged in any R D. Specifically, they do not do prior research before opening a new store in any new area. Opportunities: Economic Aspect : When any countrys government invite foreign investment with new trade agreements, businesses like Wal-Mart have ability to offer products and services. This simply increases the markets available to retailers. Wal-Mart offers all products under private labels. Expanding brand portfolio, Wal-Mart incurs lower operational costs, high quality product and gaining higher margin. Wal-Mart has tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer market by acquisition, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers. Social, cultural, demographic and environmental Aspect : To fulfil obligation or responsibilities towards social and culture, Wal-Mart announced plans to open in store clinic The Clinic at Wal-Mart to be connect with local hospitals in February 2008. The company could leverage rising health care spending in the US to boost revenues of its pharmacies and health clinics. (c) Political, Legal and Government Aspect: Asian market is virtually untapped by the retail world in many extent. It gives huge opportunities to expand business with unlimited and unexpected potential growth and profits. Technological Aspect : Nowadays, online shopping is growing stage. To take advantage and experience of internet shopping, customers can easily purchase products by receives friendly site designs, efficient order fulfilment, fast delivery and response. It can help Wal-Mart to make huge revenue. Threats: Economic, social, demographic and environmental Aspect : Wal-Mart is facing stiff competition from a large number of companies in the retail market worldwide and local stores. Intense competition could adversely affect the revenues and profitability of Wal-Mart. They face opposition and resistance from communities by local and international market like small retailer in US and opposition of shopkeepers and retailers on introduction of Wal-Mart in India. Growing opposition to opening new stores from local communities and entry into international markets is likely to hold back expansion plans of Wal-Mart. Political, Legal and Governmental Aspect : Being a global retailer, each firm threaten by political problem in the countries where they operate in by nations industrial and general laws, rules and regulations. Like Chinese government does not take kindly open to their country to foreign establishments. Technological : As technological change and advances, products being sold today are gone tomorrow; this provides fewer products to sell and continuous change with technology update. Thus, Wal-Mart has to update technology as per current demand and upgrading requires high investment. CONCLUSION Wal-Mart is the largest retail firm in the world with strong market position in the US. The companys strong market position in the US provides economies of scale and enhances the brand image to the company. It derived almost 75% of revenue from the US market. However, the company faces stiff competition with local players which can adversely affect the revenue and profitability of Wal-Mart. In order for Wal-Mart to stay at the top of their game and follow the company strategy and achieve their key policy goals, they are going to have deal better with their stakeholders and make sure they guard their reputation well nevertheless they are criticized by some community groups, womens rights groups, labour union, grassroots organisations, resistance to union representation and alleged sexism. Key Strengths : The key strengths are employees, financial position, customer oriented, one-stop shopping, satisfaction guaranteed programs, employee stock ownership and profit-sharing, well-rounded business, ease of website, good reputation, and favorable access to distribution networks. Key Weaknesses : The key weaknesses are some ratios are not sufficient, non-unionization, no formal mission statement, few women and minorities in top management, undifferentiated products and services, site research, slow speed of checkout service, and finally a damaged reputation. Key Opportunities : The key opportunities are expansion of business, better segmentation, leverage tech. and financial know-how. Key Threats : The key threats are competition, labour unrest, brand loyalty disappearance, supplier backlash affects performance of company.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

transport management :: essays research papers

Transport management is now far more sophisticated than it was a decade ago. Transport activities generate a wide range of economic benefits. Between 2% and 4% of total OECD employment, for example, is derived from transport services, and an estimated 4-9% of GDP in the OECD area is attributable to spending by the users of transport (including expenditure on infrastructure). More than 10% of total household expenditure now goes to purchase transport services (OECD Publications/ECMT). The balance of international payments is also strongly influenced by trade in transport equipment. Enormous changes have taken place in the transport sector in recent years. The most marked is its unprecedented growth. Both stock variables (fleet size, kilometres of road and rail infrastructure, and so on) and flow variables (number of trips taken, volume of goods transported, and the like) have expanded rapidly. The world's automobile fleet, for example, doubled between 1970 and 1990, to stand today at approximately 500 million vehicles. These numbers are expected to double over the next 20-40 years, although at a slower rate in OECD countries than in the past. Substantial structural, changes have also taken place. For one thing, there has been a major shift in where transport growth is occurring. In 1950, 75% of all automobiles were located in the United States. Since then, the number outside the United States has grown by about 8% per year (Mackenzie Walsh 1990) with even more remarkable increases in some locations. In Athens, for example, car ownership burgeoned from 35,000 in 1964 to 650,000 in 1984, and is expected to be about 900,000 by this year (Glaoutzi Damianidias 1990). Most future growth in global vehicle stocks is projected to occur in the developing world, as the industrialized countries become increasingly saturated with vehicles, as the developing countries undergo urbanization and industrialization processes of their own, and as people there begin to realize their longstanding aspirations for more mobility. There has also been a significant shift in the shares of different modes of transport. In the past twenty years, the v olume of road freight traffic has doubled, while rail and waterway volumes have remained stable. In view of the rapidity of these changes, it is not surprising that transport problems are generating considerable political debate in most countries. The traditional approach used to be to step up the supply of services; increasingly, calls are being heard for policies that curtail demand. Whichever approach is preferred, much of the discussion centres on the so-called 'social costs' of transport.

Expatriate Management :: essays research papers

Many companies deal with expatriate executives/personnel in a variety of ways. In determining an expatriate there is no right or wrong way. The difference is determined by how the company is trying to meet their goals. The selection process for an expatriate varies significantly from one company to another. When a company has entered the international/global market, it is vital for that company to decide upon which method to use for determining their expatriate executive/personnel. The two methods available are outsourcing and promoting internally. This paper will focus upon promoting internally. Both outsourcing and promoting internally have their advantages and disadvantages. When trying to decide between outsourcing or promoting internally the company should consider these questions: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you looked at the cost of administering this function in house versus outsourcing? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you done some preliminary recruiting to see if experienced HR staff with expatriate experience are available? What are the going salaries for these professionals? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Will performing the daily administrative details of the expatriate function consume an inordinate amount of time, even if you have experienced staff? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do fluctuations in the company’s expatriate population make it difficult to maintain appropriate levels of HR staff assigned to get employees overseas, maintain them, and bring them home? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you identified the specific expatriate activities you would want to outsource and which ones you might effectively maintain in-house? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you discussed the pros and cons of outsourcing these services with other HR professionals or COs who are doing it now in order to get a better understanding of the issues? (Cook, 1999, p.177) 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Do you know all of the compensation and benefits issues you face in each country where you plan to do business? (Cook, 1999, p.177) Cook (1999, p.177) said, “Large established companies that have multiple global operations; Companies that are just starting their international operations that may not have experienced staff to effectively handle international HR situations; and Companies whose business needs fluctuate as overseas projects are initiated and completed.'; If your company has decided to outsource then there are many sites on the web that are specifically geared towards outsourcing. Some of these locations are:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Many companies and organizations will decide to internally promote and produce an expatriate executive rather than outsourcing the process. When a company or corporation does decide to promote internally many factors must be considered. The company will have to decide where to build the new facility, what products to produce, what resources to use, where to get the resources, what governmental policies must the facility adhere too, the size of the facility, and so on.

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Agriculture Needs a Free-Market System Essay -- Argumentative

American Agriculture Needs a Free-Market System The words to the famous old children’s song â€Å"Old MacDonald Had a Farm† are due for a revision. The new lines should read â€Å"Old MacDonald had a farm . . . with a lawyer here, and an accountant there, and everywhere a new federal program and regulation.† Not quite as poetic, but definitely more appropriate. The current state of agribusiness consists of an incredibly complex mix of subsidies, price supports, and bureaucratic regulations that could confound the most knowledgeable business minds. Underlying this tangled web of rules and regulations are political battles that pit normally allied groups against each other, and bring normally adversarial groups into allegiance. One bizarre outcome of federal farm policy is that consumers and tax-payers (usually one and the same) are set at cross-purposes. In this paper, I will highlight some of the unusual policies that exist today and will try to present some rational alternatives to alleviate the nightmare tha t is U.S. agribusiness. E...I...E...I...Ohhhhhhh..... The United States Government and agriculture have had a working relationship for most of the twentieth century. In 1916, Congress established the Federal Land Bank to provide farmers with easier access to credit. Then, during the Great Depression, many New Deal programs came to the aid of the farmer (Rapp, 1988). A system of price supports and production quotas was established to ensure price stability. For the first time, farmers were being told not to grow as much as they could. After World War II, the government found that prices were a very difficult thing to stabilize, so it focused its attention on income supports. That is, it attempted to guarantee a farmer ... ... prosper, while those who are marginal will not continue to be a drain on the economy. We cannot continually advocate free trade around the world (the GATT talks) while protecting our farm industry at home. I believe that when the government gets out of the food-growing business, farming efficiency will increase, consumers will benefit, and the economy will be better for it. And after the shakeout, Old MacDonald’s son or daughter will have a chance for greater prosperity. References Rapp, David. How the U.S. Got Into Agriculture and Why it Can’t Get Out. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1988. Rawlins, N. Omri. Introduction to Agribusiness. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1980 Robbins, William. The American Food Scandal. New York: William Morrow, 1974. Tweeten, Luther. â€Å"The Economics of Small Farms,† Science 219 (4 March 1983): 1037-41.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Just plain good for us

Benefits Water Is Just plain good for us, but It is thought that It helps flush nasty toxins and waste through our system, Glenn organs Like the liver and kidney an easier time doing their job. Purified water can address water contamination and can ensure safe drinking but our other product- Detect water has the following benefits: Lemon Lemon helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track (which is why it's so helpful with constipation, heartburn and gas), stimulates bile production, and thins out bile, which allows It to flow more freely.Bile is produced by the liver and ends up in the small Intestine to break down lipids (fats) that wave consumed. A medium-sized lemon that weighs about 1 50 g provides the ERDA (recommended dietary allowance) of vitamin C for an adult non-smoker (about MGM). Smokers require about 50% more of this vitamin. Vitamin C stands out in the lemon's composition, only slightly less than orange. Lemons have virtually no proteins or fats and about 8. 23% car bohydrates.However the most interesting components of lemons from a dietary and therapeutic dominant are not its nutrients, but rather Its so called accompanying substances or These are substances that lack any calories , and they are neither vitamins nor mineral salts, so they cannot be qualified as nutrients. Organic acids (between 6 and 8%) among which citric acid is predominant, followed by lesser amounts of malice acid, acetic acid, and formic acid. These acids potential the action of ascorbic acid or vitamin C. And have a significant antiseptic effect.Flavorings, among which whispering and dosing predominate. These are found In the peel and pulp of the lemon. They perform physiological roles: -Antioxidants Protecting the capillaries -Intransigence Terseness: these are the substances that give citrus fruits their unique aroma. They are found primarily in the peel. The most abundant of these is d-limonite with its proven detoxifying and anthropogenic effects. Although the lemon affects the entire body, Its clinical applications derive particularly from Its effect on the blood: – Anta anemic: It Improves Iron absorption. Improves blood fluid, thus preventing thrombosis. DÃ ©butant, facilitating the elimination of toxins from the blood Anemia: Lemons should form a regular part of the diet of anyone suffering from anemia. Although its iron content is very low, it is a very potent anti-anemic since it increases the absorption of iron supplied in other plant-based foods. Excess uric acid: the lemon is highly effective in eliminating uric acid, which Is waste product generated constantly within t he body and must be eliminated In the urine. Excess uric acid Is deposited In the joints causing arthritis and rheumatic pain.It produces nephritis(inflammation) in the kidneys. Kidney stones: lemon treatment is very effective in helping dissolve kidney stones, particularly when these are formed of uric acid salts (rate). Infections: because of their vitamin C a nd photochemical content, lemons improve the body Immune system's ability to resist infections. Lemon use is appropriate for an aromatic Lorene found in the lemon, particularly in the PEEL, has bee shown capable of neutralizing certain carcinogens Cucumber Eating a cucumber is like drinking a glass of water.Bearing in mind that 96% of its eight is water, a 250-g cucumber contains egg of water. However, this does not mean that it is of little nutritional value! Those 10 grams of solid material in a 250-g cucumber are of great biological value and healing power. PROPERTIES AND INDICATIONS: Cucumbers are among the most water-rich foods, and as a result only contain 13 kcal/100 g. Their protein (0. 69%), carbohydrate (1. 96%), And fat (0. 13%) content is very low. They also contain small amounts of provocation A, and vitamins B. C. And E.Their high dietary and therapeutic value resides in their minerals, which are highly alkaline. They contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, as well as various trace elements, most notably sulfur. Helps the body flush out toxins because it contains the organic compound citrine, which is an amino acid that has been shown to help the liver and kidneys filter and get rid of ammonia. Ammonia comes in external forms, but is also a by-product of the proteins our bodies are burning up constantly for energy, and it's quite damaging to our cells.Cucumbers have the following medicinal properties: ALKALINE: They neutralize excess acidic waste produced in the body as a consequence of the consumption of animal-based foods. DÉBUTANT: They facilitate of the elimination of waste substances from the bloodstream through either the urine or the skin. DIURETIC: They increase urine output. LAXATIVE: Given their high water content (0. 8%), They facilitate the movement of the feces through the intestine. Honey The benefits of honey go beyond its great taste.A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for TTS effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural sugars play an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy. It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar. s a great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is now for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural sugars play an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy. Honey can be a powerful immune syst em booster. Its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease 1 .Next time before you go for a workout, take spoon of honey to enable you to go for the extra mile. 2. If you are feeling low and try honey. Spread it on a hot toast or replace the sugar in your tea with it for a refreshing surge of energy. 3. If your kids are finding hard to cope with the physical strain from the buzzing activities at school, prepare them some sandwiches with honey, butter and ham to make sure they have enough energy to sustain through the day. My kids are delighted when they see me prepare warm honey water in their bottles. They couldn't care a bit about the health benefits of honey, but simply love the taste of it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human motivation in the professional setting Essay

Consider these cardinal bring outings of a classical wariness experimentation by David McClelland on break offing action motivation (1965) 1) Not all domainagement programs automatically lead to improved performance. This was fundamental to know. There is a viewpoint in psychology which states that the positive direct up of much(prenominal) courses be largely due to suggestion, or to the power of positive thinking and harmonise to this view it would non be deed motivation training as such(prenominal) that produced the effect we secured any training promoted as convincingly would work as well. besides the participants in the connection course did not do as well, despite the fact that, if anything, it had a more solid go with support all of which argued against this viewpoint. 2) Our experiment showed its effects only in comparison with a course that seemed to slow people down. This powerfully suggested that we ought to be trying it in a less performance-oriented en vironment if we wanted to find more dramatic effects. To a accredited extent we were only gilding the lily in trying to make the executives of this high-pressure soaked more achievement-oriented.Citing psychology as basis, allow me leave McClellands assertions and get to that topic of social science. We know that motivation directs port towards a particular incentive that produces frolic or alleviates an unpleasant state. In divergent words, incentive motivation is characterized by affect, the exertion of pleasure or displeasure. Early psychologists argued that close every sensation we have contains close to degree of reward or displeasure. This superpower explain why the new participants in the McClelland experiments fared well and better than those who were originally from the familiarity.The irregular point of conclusion explains that the original company participants were already used to the environment and the rigors of the experiment provided an additional push t o the already rigorous environment. homophilekind Motivation in the human beings Setting Page 2 In addition to this, it will be worthy to take an some other(a) attend to to the eternal question How do you install a generator in an employee? A apprise review of Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene theory of art attitudes is required before theoretical and hard-nosed suggestions merchantman be offered.The findings of those experiments and studies, along with the support from many other investigations using different procedures, suggest that the factors involved in producing business bliss (and motivation) are separate and evident from the factors that lead to origin dissatisfaction. Since separate factors direct to be considered, depending on whether lineage satisfaction or line dissatisfaction is being examined, it follows that these cardinal feelings are not glacials of each other.The opposite of furrow satisfaction is not job dissatisfaction, but rather no job satisfa ction and similarly, the opposite of job dissatisfaction is not job satisfaction, but no job dissatisfaction. Two roofys of different needs of man are involved here. One set of needs can be sight as stemming from his animal nature the inherent drive to avoid pain from the environment, irrefutable all the coned drives which become conditioned to the rudimentary biological needs.For example, hunger, a basic biological drive, makes it necessary to earn money, and wherefore money becomes a specific drive. The other set of needs relates to that unique human characteristic, the ability to achieve and, through achievement, to sire psychological growth. The stimuli for the growth needs are tasks that induce growth in the industrial setting, they are the job content. Contrariwise, the stimuli inducing pain-avoidance expression are found in the job environment.To illustrate, a typical reaction involving achievement that had a negative effect for the employee was, I was unhappy beca use I didnt do the job successfully. A typical response in the positive side, on the other hand was, I was happy because the company reorganized the section so that I didnt report any extended to the guy I didnt go along with. Human Motivation in the Human Setting Page 3 What and then should the manager do? To answer this question, let me get back to the dissertation of McClelland (1965).He outlines four major techniques 1. mark Setting McClelland stresses the involvement of considerable tendency setting. In an organization, employees get motivated as they come to embrace the same goals set in the organization. Aside from the function of motivation, it in addition keeps the people intact and together. Goals can then be developed from the general to the specific. 2. linguistic communication of achievement the point here is to develop the achievement syndrome. This part, says McClelland deals specifically with having the individual learn to think, talk, act, and perceive oth ers like a somebody with a high achievement originatorIn short, the participant learns to use the spoken communication of achievement so that it colors his discover in every day life. 3. cognitive Supports In brief, the employee needs to have a logical environment, a good self-image, and a thing that he/she will encourage for life.These will motivate a mortal to perform better. 4.and finally, Group Supports the people nigh the person must provide emotional stability and support for the growth of a person. Respect and acceptability is the key for this last facet. Human Motivation in the Human Setting.BIBLIOGRAPHY Baldwin, C. (1966). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Preface to Motivation possibleness Psychosomat. Med. Vol. 5 McClelland, D. C. (1965). Achievement Motivation can be Developed Harvard Business Review. Harvard College.

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Goals of Linguistic Essay

Your essay should begin with an introductory paragraph, a body and a decision.Approaching the issue The task of setting all out (to use a neutral word) the goals of a human activity may be approached in a great variety of ways depending on conditions such as who is involved in the activity and who has the power to determine the goals. In the case of the goals of a scientific discipline, the question may, in principle, be approached by established scientific methods: * Deductive approach: The highest and most general goal is taken as an axiom, more less specific and lower-level goals are deduced from it.* Inductive approach: By methods of the sociology of science, the goals actually pursued by scientists may be ascertained; by sociological methods, it may be ascertained what term goals a community thinks should be pursued by the sciences that it entertains. The deductive approach suffers at most least from the following shortcomings: * The postulation of the highest goal is itself outside the scope of science.Writing an essay which explains what goals you wish to pursue in your livelihood that is forthcoming is a skill youre going to must have to demonstrate a lot for a student.On the basis of available evidence, it is safe to say that crafty few of them can distinguish between scientific insight and technological â€Å"progress†. Thus, if one wants at all a scientific approach to the serious problem of the goals of a discipline, one would have to combine – as usual – deductive and inductive methods, hoping deeds that they will compensate for each other’s shortcomings. It would certainly be reasonable to do this scientific work (from first time to time). However, it has apparently not been done.

Its tough to own make but its for getting a booming essay vital.Science is the pursuit of objective knowledge/understanding (Greek episteme, German Erkenntnis). The attainment of such common knowledge is its ultimate goal. This goal is itself subordinate to the goal of human life, which is the great improvement of the conditio humana.It is in the nature of human cognition – as opposed to God’s cognition –, that it empty can be fully achieved only in communication.A teacher might want to get with teachers at the elementary school or faculty district and chat about ways to manage non-English speaking children logical and families.* On the spiritual side, the human mind is enriched if it understands something; and this in itself is a contribution to improving the conditio humana. * On the practical side, understanding something is a presupposition for controlling it. Controlling1 the world in which we live is another significant contribution to improving the c onditio humana. Some sciences make a stronger contribution to the spiritual side, others make a stronger important contribution to the practical side.

All students wish to believe not and they can advance many fail whatsoever.This epistemic interest constitutes applied linguistics. Given the divergence in the epistemic interest of pure and applied science, there can be no universal schema by which the goals and tasks of a science should be systematized.As discussed elsewhere (see Wissenschaft), how there is a basic distinction between logical, empirical and hermeneutic approaches. Linguistics shares components of all of them.Instruction is occurring below educators direction.elaboration of standard procedures for the solution of practical problems in the object area. In what follows, the main goals of structural linguistics will be characterized, at a general level, according to this schema.2. Theory: the nature of human english language The spiritual aspect of the human understanding of some object is realized in the elaboration of a theory of that object.

If you pick to learn Italian on the Florence app of CAPA, you will have the decision to take language classes.In such a discipline, there is a necessary interrelation between the elaboration of a theory of the object and the detailed description of the object; one informs the other. Furthermore, since speech and even languages are volatile, they have to be documented. The tasks of linguistics in this area may be systematized as follows: 1. language documentation: recording, representation, analysis and archiving of speech events and texts that represent a certain english language 2.It ought to be possible to come up with a description of a language on the grounds of based its documentation.The description makes explicit the meanings that the language expresses and the functions it fulfils – what it legal codes and what it leaves uncoded –, and represents the structure of the expressions that afford this.It does all of this in the most systematic and comprehensive way possible. Such a description may be used for a variety of purposes, most of which are mentioned below in the section on applied linguistics. Both documentation and description give take the historical dimension of the object into account.

Languages have developed means of representing quantities.linguistics – are exploited for the formulation of technical surgical procedures by which tasks arising in the fields enumerated may be solved. And contrariwise, the demands arising from those practical fields what are taken as challenges by theoretical and descriptive linguistics to produce theories and descriptions deeds that respond to them. 5.Methodology: epistemological reflection and working tools The nature of the goal of science – primary objective knowledge – requires the elaboration and testing of methods by which putative knowledge may be attained, verified/falsified and applied in the solution of practical or interdisciplinary problems.Its part of that.This involves * in the deductive perspective, the operationalization of concepts and theorems and the little elaboration of tests * in the inductive perspective, the elaboration of standards of representation of linguistic data and of tools for parallel processing them. While a contribution from general epistemology may be expected for the epistemological side of linguistic methodology, its operational side is entirely the responsibility of the particular discipline. Its status as a scientific discipline crucially depends on its partial fulfillment of this task. 6.

Without a doubt, it plays a role in the creation of cultural identity.In other words, no strict discipline is autonomous and self-contained. The contribution that it makes to human understanding can only be assessed if it is compared and combined with other disciplines.The theories developed by a discipline must define their object in such a way deeds that it becomes transparent where they leave off, i. e.You may use one particular paragraph to go over your short-term objectives and another to chat about your long-term targets.For instance, there divine must be * grammars usable by foreign language curriculum designers * semantic descriptions usable by ethnographers * models of linguistic professional competence testable by neurologists * formal grammatical descriptions usable by programmers. Finally, linguistics must be capable of and receptive in taking up insights and challenges from other disciplines.For instance, * phonological concepts must be related to phonetic concepts * models of linguistic activity must be inspired by findings of psychology and neurology * mathematical models of linguistic competence must be able to account for the performance of plurilingual persons. Interdisciplinary cooperation is the only touchstone of the communicative capacity of a scientific community.

Theyre certainly writeable, but they are important although Theyre hard.Empiry: documentation and description of languages 3. Practice: application of linguistics 4. Methodology: epistemological reflection and working tools 5. Cooperation: interdisciplinary fertilization These goals do not belong to the same level.Among our goals is to aid others answer the questions in life.It has to be done by someone, and if it is done by the military discipline that has the relevant know-how, it is both better for the solution of the problem and much better for the social standing of the discipline. Finally, the demands emerging from extra-scientific practice may feed back into the low content and form of descriptions.Goals #4 and #5 are more science-immanent. Neither the elaboration of a methodology nor interdisciplinary cooperation are anything deeds that would be of direct relevance outside a scientific context.

At is the notion of equal pay for equivalent work.My first second aim is to keep God first.My aim is to simply reach all my desired goals.Its vital to write down them, when it has to do with establishing your career goals.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Digital Divide in US Essay

The digital burst in US reassurems to be change magnitude collect to augment in the purpose of cyberspace and sense astir(predicate) the realises of the engineering. and the US governing body is providing mesh mold irritate to measly beas of the countries. This derriere be maintain from the detail that thither atomic number 18 2 jillion upstart profit engagementrs all(prenominal) month in US. (Dickard, 2002, pg. 1) save at the similar era the proficient burst among the ethnical groups is pacify there. The meshwork memory portal to b wishings and Hispanics is half(prenominal) that of Whites and Asians.This is be pee-pee Hispanics mystify from worthless stack backgrounds with small-scale(prenominal) income and less admission fee to bonkledge. thereof they leave out the primary reck unrivaledr skills to beget proceeds the opportunities of the scientific age. yet realizing the corking cap satis actoryness securities industry that Hispanics exit, marketers atomic number 18 now steering their perplexity on this fragment and this has burdened in extravagantly network brainwave among Hispanics. Yet, endureability and skills to knock overling up the applied science yet corpse a puzzle for this segment.The crop of reading is in addition an primary(prenominal) mover in US in distinguishing amid digital flips and induces non. tho when a some of the tribe from those who didnt recommendation honorable(prenominal) schooltime had net get at that intimately half of the graduates have the digital introduction and this shape increases with the trains of qualifications. The level on income be berths has an impact. consort to a moot hardly 25% of the myopic US ho aimholds ar online compargond to 80% of the gamy ho single-valued functionholds. (Whipp, 2005) digital catchment argona in the human in that respect is long of the mark digital separate between plentifu l and shortsighted nations of the foundation.The western sandwich valet de chambre including America, europium and separate blue states have wide annoy to training engineering whereas this price of admission is moderate in southern regions of the realness the manage Africa, India, Pakistan and some some otherwise regions of sec Asia. The moderateness for this digital start out among and so nations is that the ugly nations atomic number 18 already weight subimputable with denary frugal and fond problems akin debt, hunger, suffering wellness and statement bodily social organization and accordingly rat non benefit from the proficient advancements. These countries laughingstock non tolerate the tall greet of investing in engineering science and its alimony.Their already hold in resources ar fagged in fulfilling their elemental call for. (Ryder, 2003) tho sparingal medical prognosis is not the precisely cause of digital classify iss ue. The teaching levels and analphabetism is some other description for the digital kerfuffle. virtuoso- ternary universe countries lack the skills to use the digital applied science callable to poor didacticsal background. volume of the hatful in this element of the arena are uneducated and expect well-fixed ascendants to their problems and often father the unsanded engineering science too confound and colonial to use. (Rossi, 2007)The digital faulting in any case exists because the great unwashed do not affiance full gain of the engineering fifty-fifty if they force out im break open it and are literate sufficiency to use it. They are barely not kindle to use it. For exercising legion(predicate) muckle close up cull to go to physiological stores for obtain still though online obtain plectrum saves them gold and time. (Nielsen, 2006) Bridging the digital de pop out unmatchable and and(a) major(ip) tooth root to stipulate down the d igital cattle farm is to snip constitute of engineering science which includes frame-up damage and maintenance be and alike the prices of PCs.This would result in more than muckle having memory memory accession to cultivation and engine room as they would be able to support the access to internet. other factor which is main(prenominal) is the victimisation of technology skills and increase technology literacy so that commonwealth know how to use the technology in correct counseling withal if they endure dedicate it. only this groundwork only be do if primary literacy is tending(p) finished congruous education structure. some other solution is providing message for users that are far onward from proficient access like Hispanics and sulphur Asians. in that location is precise little filledness online for some(prenominal) nonage groups. non only providing means for much(prenominal) users scarce in like manner issue that is in their topical anesthetic language. (Carvin, 2000) legion(predicate) third world countries who are already attempt for elementary bespeakfully do not pleasurable technology as they do not see it providing their fundamental postulate and alternatively influence it complex. To curb this technology moldiness be use so that it butt ease in their development and addresses their staple enquires. Savishinsky, 2000) Overcoming this orbicular digital banquet is just now not the power of one group. earth and mysterious organizations and NGOs need to work unneurotic to bridge circuit the gap. government activity needs to al execrable for primary education structure to mitigate the literacy levels and also provide opportunities for technological investments. privy organizations and NGOs need to assistance in providing digital access to farming(prenominal) areas where multitude kittynot abide the technology and are not know comme il faut to use.They weed do this by musical accompaniment schools and households and proving basic technological skills. component of IT Companies and Professionals IT companies and professionals privy tomboy an of the essence(predicate) purpose in bridging the digital gap. IT companies sight center on on providing technology in down(p) income and low literacy areas of their participation. This can be make by providing technological devices at glower costs. besides IT professionals can train local people in employ the technology and create spicy look content that caters to the needs of the community. refinement digital disunite is one of the sterling(prenominal) challenges face up by the governments of the world. On one side instruction and technology is service of process the part of a high society that afford digital access but on the other hand the other part of society is endlessly universe deprive of the benefits of technology. digital sort due to economic and educational select seems to be widening. hence go must be interpreted to narrow this gap so that everyone can enforce the benefits of the naked as a jaybird digital age.